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Karate Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games

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Which event will count for the Olympic Ranking for those Continents (Europe, America, Africa) which have Karate in the respective multi-sport games ?


For Europe, will EKF European Championships or Karate at the European Games count ?

For Africa, will UFAK African Championships or Karate at the African Games count ?

For American, will PFK American Championships or Karate at the Pan American Games count ?

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  On 1/15/2019 at 10:49 AM, Sindo said:

Which event will count for the Olympic Ranking for those Continents (Europe, America, Africa) which have Karate in the respective multi-sport games ?


For Europe, will EKF European Championships or Karate at the European Games count ?

For Africa, will UFAK African Championships or Karate at the African Games count ?

For American, will PFK American Championships or Karate at the Pan American Games count ?


In Europe it is the ECH, EG are the European qualification tournament where they will award one quota per gender across all categories. 

In Africa and Asia is the continental Championship as well. America no idea. 

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  On 1/15/2019 at 11:14 AM, prso1000 said:

In Europe it is the ECH, EG are the European qualification tournament where they will award one quota per gender across all categories. 

In Africa and Asia is the continental Championship as well. America no idea. 



actually, the 2019 European Games and the 2019 Panamerican Games are at the moment the only 2 Continental tournaments entitled to award direct Olympic spots (criteria is very complicated...the most recently updated version can be found here: Olympic Karate Qualification)...


and it's not 1 quota per gender, but for both Europe and Americas is 3 quota overall (and at least 2 different NOCs) based on the Olympic Qualification Ranking of all the Gold medallists of the respective Continetal tournaments)...see criteria at the above link...:evil:


meanwhile, if Continental Games are not approved as a qualification event on a specific Continent, then the highest ranked athlete not yet qualified from the Olympic Standing on 6 April 2020 from that specific continent, will obtain the quota place, respecting the maximum quota per NOC.


on the other hand, all the last Continental Championships held before the final qualification deadline through the Olympic ranking (6 April 2020), will count towards that same ranking...

p.s. as we wrote before, for Europe the 2019 EChs will count, as the 2020 champs are scheduled after the April deadline...

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  On 1/15/2019 at 12:38 PM, phelps said:


actually, the 2019 European Games and the 2019 Panamerican Games are at the moment the only 2 Continental tournaments entitled to award direct Olympic spots (criteria is very complicated...the most recently updated version can be found here: Olympic Karate Qualification)...


and it's not 1 quota per gender, but for both Europe and Americas is 3 quota overall (and at least 2 different NOCs) based on the Olympic Qualification Ranking of all the Gold medallists of the respective Continetal tournaments)...see criteria at the above link...:evil:


meanwhile, if Continental Games are not approved as a qualification event on a specific Continent, then the highest ranked athlete not yet qualified from the Olympic Standing on 6 April 2020 from that specific continent, will obtain the quota place, respecting the maximum quota per NOC.


on the other hand, all the last Continental Championships held before the final qualification deadline through the Olympic ranking (6 April 2020), will count towards that same ranking...

p.s. as we wrote before, for Europe the 2019 EChs will count, as the 2020 champs are scheduled after the April deadline...


I still think it is 2 for Europe (one per gender). And it is 3 for America’s. In total they will allocate 12 quotas via continental representation. 


That is at least how it is written on page 4 of the document. 

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  On 1/15/2019 at 5:32 PM, prso1000 said:

I still think it is 2 for Europe (one per gender). And it is 3 for America’s. In total they will allocate 12 quotas via continental representation. 


That is at least how it is written on page 4 of the document. 



yes, it's 2 (I just misread the line and I did look at the African quota instead of Europe's)...:facepalm:

however, it's not 1 per's 2 overall (it all depends on the final qualification tournament plus the qualification ranking and on the other Continents, as there are many parameters to be considered: max 12 quota in total, max 3 per class, each class must have 10 competitors and only 10 and the prority to the continental champions ahead of the siver medallists -and at last, the bronze medallists- must be followed...not to be mentioned that this is in any case the last part of the qualification after the OQT and OQR, which could easily make most of the EG theoretical spots already gone before they look at them)...

as I wrote, it's a mess...

thanks to WKF for that! if they think this is the right way to promote their sport at its first Olympic appearance...:whistle::facepalm::wall:

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  On 1/15/2019 at 7:47 PM, phelps said:


yes, it's 2 (I just misread the line and I did look at the African quota instead of Europe's)...:facepalm:

however, it's not 1 per's 2 overall (it all depends on the final qualification tournament plus the qualification ranking and on the other Continents, as there are many parameters to be considered: max 12 quota in total, max 3 per class, each class must have 10 competitors and only 10 and the prority to the continental champions ahead of the siver medallists -and at last, the bronze medallists- must be followed...not to be mentioned that this is in any case the last part of the qualification after the OQT and OQR, which could easily make most of the EG theoretical spots already gone before they look at them)...

as I wrote, it's a mess...

thanks to WKF for that! if they think this is the right way to promote their sport at its first Olympic appearance...:whistle::facepalm::wall:


It is one per gender, read the bottom part of page 4 my friend :whistle:

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  On 1/15/2019 at 9:58 PM, prso1000 said:

It is one per gender, read the bottom part of page 4 my friend :whistle:



oh, yes...I totally missed those lines...I don't know why? :facepalm::wall:


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  • 2 months later...

WKF updated the Olympic ranking. we have lots of changes because of the continental championships. someone corrects me if I'm wrong but it seems right now only except Oceania we have continental Championships points included in the ranking for other continents ?! while continental champs for Africa and Asia are scheduled for July which means 2018 results are irreverent for these continents ! so why WKF are counting them ?! :mumble: we didn't send most of our A team members to the Asian Champs last year (saving them for the Asian Games) so I assume they can collect more points this year.


but at least having all continental champs done, the ranking is more balanced,  still long way to go but not bad to have a summary of top 4 in each weight right now




67kg:   :FRA:ITA:BRA:KAZ

75kg:   :ITA:AZE:IRI:USA





55kg:   :TUR:TPE:POL:AUT

75kg:   :EGY:CHN:TUR:SRB



only Italy and Turkey have more than 2. they both have 4 which is great. Spain, Azerbaijan and Iran, also have 2.

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looking at those rankings, in the men's Kata the 4 currently in the qualifying position look almost safe...the first not yet qualified man is the German :GER Smorguner, but he has to make up around 500 points over :ITA Busato and 600 over :VEN Diaz, which is highly unlikely...


in the men's -67kg Kumite, we have :FRA Dacosta and :ITA Crescenzo miles and miles ahead of the rest, and also :BRA Figueira in the -67kg "original" still has some margin over his closest rival...but the fight for the second spot in the -60kg "original" is very close, with many players within a few points...


in the men's -75kg, the situation is quite locked in, with only :UKR Horuna having a small chance to catch the 4th useful place (but he has a lot of points -around 500- to make up over :USA Scott)...


in the men's +75kg, :GER Horne and :IRI Ganjzadeh from the "original" +84kg class are almost safe, they have such a wide margin over their rivals that probably they don't even need to show up at all the remaining events to qualify...meanwhile the -84kg part of the Olympic Heavyweights is a lot more interesting, even if the fight is basically down to 3 players (:CRO Kvesic, :BLR Isakau and :UKR Chobotar) for 1 place (:TUR Aktas is also almost safe in his top spot)...


the women's Kata has 3 names (:ESP Sanchez Jaime, :ITA Bottaro and :HKG Lau) basically sure to be in Tokyo, with the 4th spot still up for grabs and with many pretenders (at least 4 still fully in contention)...


in the women's -55kg class, we have the -50kg "original" part of the ranking already decided, with :TUR Arapoglu and :AUT Plank having a really wide margin over the closest rival (:FRA Bouderbane, who has more than 700 points to make up, almost impossible)...meanwhile the -55kg "original" part is still a mess, with 5 girls still in contention with legitimate ambition...

and this class is also our main regret, with :ITA Sara Cardin out because of an injury to her knee since a few months and now basically with only the highly risky world tournament left to keep her Olympic dream alive...


in the women's -61kg, we have :EGY Lofty and :CHN Yin well ahead of the other girls, :TUR Coban with a slimmer margin over the "dangerous zone" and then :SRB Prekovic and :FRA Philippe fighting for the last spot, but with at least 3 more girls (:MAR Sadini, :PER Grande and :CAN Jumaa) not to be completely left out of contention...


in the women's heavyweights, :GRE Chatziliadou is pretty much safe in top spot, with the +68kg "original" part of the ranking featuring a great fight for the second spot (:FIN Keinanen, :EGY Aboualyazed, :FRA Florentin and :ESP Palacio Gonzalez are all still within a few points) and the -68kg even more messy (only :AZE Zaretska is quite a few points above the rest of the girls, but still not so far ahead to be considered safe)...

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@phelps that was a very good analyze but we should remember all events from now on will have double points than previous events (except for World and Continental Champs) I wonder how many events are left ? I see 5 Premiere Leagues are scheduled only for the rest of 2019. plus continental Champs for Asia (and also Africa) yeah I know in Karate it's really hard for one athlete to win back to back competitions but still .


as for Iran, I expect to qualify only 2 via ranking, Askari and Ganjzadeh. they are already good in the ranking and still have the chance to win the Asian Championships and collect lots of points and probably secure the spot early. there is still chance for the rest, but Derafshipour, Bahmanyar and Alipour only have to win the Asian Championships to stand a chance. only gold medal and something like 1000pts will give them a chance.


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