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Figure Skating ISU World Championships 2021

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  On 3/30/2021 at 5:10 PM, heywoodu said:

Wow, Van Zundert has actually been picked for Beijing :yikes: 


Yes, unless another skater achieves a total score of 186 points twice within the qualification period. The personal best of Niki Wories is 148 points, so that's highly unlikely.


But great to have a Dutch figure skater at the Olympics for the first time since 1976! :cheer:

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  On 4/1/2021 at 3:13 PM, intoronto said:

Mexico to compete in figure skating after 30 years :d:d

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  On 4/1/2021 at 3:13 PM, intoronto said:

Praise be to this forum, one of the few places that got it right immediately xD

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Guys, out of curiosity. Was trying to figure out how many teams will qualify for the figure skating team event at the Olympics. I found the quali criteria but I failed to find the number of team will qualify for Beijing 2022. Thanks

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  On 4/3/2021 at 12:38 AM, Jan Linha said:

Guys, out of curiosity. Was trying to figure out how many teams will qualify for the figure skating team event at the Olympics. I found the quali criteria but I failed to find the number of team will qualify for Beijing 2022. Thanks


I'm pretty sure it's 10 teams like last time. Czechs in my opinion are sure to qualify.

  • :RUS:USA:CAN:JPN:CHN:ITA (currently ranked 1-6) will definitely be there.
  • :AUT (7) doesn't have an Olympic-caliber ice dancing team, and Zandron will have a very tough time qualifying for the men's event anyway
  • :KOR (8) to my knowledge doesn't have any active pairs teams (none have appeared at their Nationals since 2018)
  • :FRA (9) will almost certainly qualify either a woman or a pairs team at Nebelhorn, so they should make it
  • :BEL (10) has no men, pairs or ice dancers
  • :GBR (11) it would be a miracle if either Hallam or Jones/Boyadji qualified, given how few spots are in play for men/pairs
  • :GER (12) have already qualified in 3 events, so they will be there
  • :GEO (13) have a strong pairs team and ice dancing team, at least one should definitely qualify at Nebelhorn
  • :CZE (14) Czechs as it stands are #10, the last qualifiers, and will only need at most one additional quota for ice dancing
  • :EST:BLR:ESP:SWE:AZE:POL (15-20) are all missing Olympic-level athletes in at least one discipline, so even if they overtake Czechs on ranking points, they shouldn't be a threat


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Very happy for Donovan Carrillo, as a huge fan of figure skating for almost 30 years following this sport It will be a dream come true that a mexican skater gets to the Olympics, something I never thought would be posible given the dificult and almost non existen support for the sport in my country, Donovan is a rare talent we have and that has endured and kept going among his coach Gregorio Nunez, against all ods, not easy conditions and sometimes zero funding but their own.


Now he has caused a huge impact with the news about his olympic spot for Beijing that all sport media is covering him so hopefully this will give exposure and boost figure skating a bit in Mexico and maybe start a trend were this sport can get the recognition it deserves, I know we can have many Donovan's in the near future.


About the Team Competition at the Olympics my guess is that the nations that will qualify will be


RUS, USA, CAN, JPN, ITA, CHN, they are a lock


and the next ones will be GER, CZE, GEO and probably FRA that is under big decisions to made to even attempt the team competition since they wont have skaters in pairs at the individual discipline nor the place for a lady isn't that looking like to be achieved. If they go for the team competition this will force Papadakis/Cizeron to compete at the Rhythm Dance but last time at the 2018 Games the couple opted to not take part, luxury they wont have this time. 



So for me, France could well decline to even attempt qualifying to the team competition and that opens the chances for Hungary 


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  On 4/3/2021 at 1:53 AM, ahjfcshfghb said:

I'm pretty sure it's 10 teams like last time. Czechs in my opinion are sure to qualify.

  • :RUS:USA:CAN:JPN:CHN:ITA (currently ranked 1-6) will definitely be there.
  • :AUT (7) doesn't have an Olympic-caliber ice dancing team, and Zandron will have a very tough time qualifying for the men's event anyway
  • :KOR (8) to my knowledge doesn't have any active pairs teams (none have appeared at their Nationals since 2018)
  • :FRA (9) will almost certainly qualify either a woman or a pairs team at Nebelhorn, so they should make it
  • :BEL (10) has no men, pairs or ice dancers
  • :GBR (11) it would be a miracle if either Hallam or Jones/Boyadji qualified, given how few spots are in play for men/pairs
  • :GER (12) have already qualified in 3 events, so they will be there
  • :GEO (13) have a strong pairs team and ice dancing team, at least one should definitely qualify at Nebelhorn
  • :CZE (14) Czechs as it stands are #10, the last qualifiers, and will only need at most one additional quota for ice dancing
  • :EST:BLR:ESP:SWE:AZE:POL (15-20) are all missing Olympic-level athletes in at least one discipline, so even if they overtake Czechs on ranking points, they shouldn't be a threat



Yes, I was counting myself yesterday. If it was 10 team, then I believe  :CZE will earn the spot. I believe that they will add some points from Grand Prix to have the spot even more secured. I was just worried if they did not decrease the number to 8 teams as there were some other disciplines added in other sports. Filip and Naty will have tough time at Nebelhorns but with their current level, I believe they may even qualify for the ice dance even so we may not need any additional quota. But let's see in autumn....

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