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5 minutes ago, NearPup said:

I can't believe someone is supporting executing dissidents in 2021, if we're going to go with the most extreme elements of the coalitions of the winning candidate.


Also, is Boric even a Communist? He certainly has Chile's Communist party in his coalition, but Boric himself has been pretty consistently opposed to the Nicaraguan, Cuban and Venezuelan governments as far as I can tell.


You do realize there is a division among the communist fractions & parties across the world? It's been that way ever since Trotskiy was exiled from the Soviet Union.


Again, people who have never experieced communism suddenly support communism & Marxism like something positive or a "lesser evil". I got another news for you, the "lesser evil" excuse was used in 1981 when communists introduced martial law in Poland already. Call me again when there is a martial law in Canada and that is actually sold as something positive :p

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21 minutes ago, NearPup said:

I can't believe someone is supporting executing dissidents in 2021, if we're going to go with the most extreme elements of the coalitions of the winning candidate.


Also, is Boric even a Communist? He certainly has Chile's Communist party in his coalition, but Boric himself has been pretty consistently opposed to the Nicaraguan, Cuban and Venezuelan governments as far as I can tell.

Again, the pretense that Communists are “just part of a coalition” pretty much always precedes the full-scale Communist takeover of a country. All the post-1945 east European countries were coalition governments, at least for the short time before the other members of the coalition died in mysterious accidents.

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13 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Instead of just saying "But the press is super duper leftist!!", explain why Kast is not a far right candidate and which of his standpoints as described by the 'leftist press' (including definitely non-leftist press) are not true?


Or will the arguments in favour of Kast just remain with "But the press!", like Trump-fans often did? And if so, we know certain people have certain...right-wing views. Which is fine, but in your wording, that should also mean we should not believe it when they call this Boric guy a communist.


I mean, if leftists calling Kast a far-right guy is wrong, surely rightists calling Boric a communist guy is wrong. Or does it only work one way?

Ok Mister Super Duper, here are the proposals of kast (in spanish with my translation) :p


En el plano económico, Kast propone una importante reducción de impuesto de todo tipo. Además, en relación al gasto público, la idea del candidato del Frente Social Cristiano apunta a reducir el gasto, modernizar el Estado, eliminar las regulaciones contra la inversión y el empleo y también focalizar el gasto social en la población más vulnerable: less taxes, modern state, putt of regulations of empley and investment, use the "social spending" in the poorest people.




Un de los tópicos programáticos centrales de Kast es el orden y la seguridad interna. Al respesto, propone otorgar mayor poder a las Fuerzas de Orden y al Estado de Derecho. Ofrece combatir el "narcoterrorismo", a raíz de los hechos en La Araucanía, y aumentar penas y sanciones por la violencia en las ciudades.

En el mismo sentido, el programa de gobierno del ex diputado UDI aborda también la situación de Carabineros. Respaldará a la institución, en términos jurídicos, para hacer uso de la fuerza necesaria y reestablecer el orden público: more power to the "law enforcement", combat the narco-terrorism, biggest penalties and support the intitution of carabineros (policemans)



Otra de las áreas clave del programa de Kast es la relativa a la familia. El documento del candidato indica que el estado debe hacer todo para proteger y fortalecerla. En este ámbito, el candidato es contrario a la aprobación del matrimonio homosexual y la opción de adoptar niños. También plantea cerra el Ministerio de la Mujer: Protect the family, againt the homosexual marriage and children adoption and closing the ministery of womans


May be there are some "polemic proposal" but is more or less, the same of any conservative politician of the world, nothing so diferent to be compared with Adolf Hittler.

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13 hours ago, Dunadan said:

Not even the right wing business papers here describe Boric as communist, they only mention that the communist party is in the coalition. I'm going to guess this is the usual: wanting social welfare = communism = bad :lol:

Its curious, in my experience the are the leftist who use the "welfare capitalism" to describe the socialism like a successful model.

There are two parties and one of them is the comunist party but Boric doesnt have nothing to do with communism.......i expect yo did the same if a candidate of the fascism party being in a coalition.

A detail for an european: the latinamerican leftist are more like "Podemos" from Spain and clearly less than the european socialist/socialdemocrats, so when we saw a communist here, we know they dont know nothing of the fall of the USSR.



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9 hours ago, Dunadan said:

yeah, better to believe some randos on sports forums claiming that everyone with economic views left of Bolsonaro's is a wannabe communist dictator.

Thats is your interpretation, Trudeau has an economic views left than Bolsonaro and is not a communist dictator.


P.S: is better to believe to a leftist rando who say that a communist is not communist.

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6 hours ago, NearPup said:

I can't believe someone is supporting executing dissidents in 2021, if we're going to go with the most extreme elements of the coalitions of the winning candidate.


Also, is Boric even a Communist? He certainly has Chile's Communist party in his coalition, but Boric himself has been pretty consistently opposed to the Nicaraguan, Cuban and Venezuelan governments as far as I can tell.

May be in the speech, you are rigth in that, but in this part of the world we see many Wolf with sheep's skin, starting with Fidel the beggining, he was all the contrary speech of communism and see what happen next.


By the way, the dolar increase its price "a lot" in only one day and spanish bussiness stop investments only in the first day after elections, the ghost of the "expropiese" of Hugo Chavez is really good for afraid, the same happen in my country when the Fernandez return (once again), all the people who has some "saving" run to the exchange house to buy dolars, in my case i have a big figth with the employees for dont want to maintain the price of it.


Things of the third world.....

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6 hours ago, Grassmarket said:

Again, the pretense that Communists are “just part of a coalition” pretty much always precedes the full-scale Communist takeover of a country. All the post-1945 east European countries were coalition governments, at least for the short time before the other members of the coalition died in mysterious accidents.

Dude, there is literally 0 chance of any non-democratic form of government to take over in modern Chile. The system and institutions there are too strong and established. 


Communist parties in Argentina and Brazil were part of coalitions in recent governments, and no, nothing anywhere close as a "full-scale takeover" took place. Much less would it happen in Chile.



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While we’re associating people with political entities…seems fair to note that Kast’s father was likely a card carrying member of the NAZI party :whistle:


Plus, his brother was apparently a top advisor to the former military dictator. 

Bolsonaro 1.0 hasn’t gone particularly well for Brazil, so maybe there’s some logic to not electing Bolsonaro 2.0 in Chile.


Boric has clearly given many Chileans hope after many years of political strife. It’s clear that Chileans have wanted real change for while, and they’ve made their choice. We’ll have to see how well Chile’s democratic institutions hold up under him.

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6 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

While we’re associating people with political entities…seems fair to note that Kast’s father was likely a card carrying member of the NAZI party :whistle:


John, Robert & Edward Kennedy's father Joseph was America's most prominent pro-Nazi, of course. 

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