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24 minutes ago, Monzanator said:


Yeah, exactly the former DDR lands have the same problem though their issues only dates to post WWII. However it doesn't matter whether the excuse is valid, if someone feels like the wealthy capitalists haven't helped them enough to make up for the years of communist regime, they will turn to anyone who offers them a better future.


Civic Platform has dismissed millions of blue-collars who lost their jobs after the state-owned companies went belly up after 1989. A small percentage of wiseguys made enormous profit but millions of people didn't really feel their economical situation got all that better. We've waited 30 years to cash in on overthrowing the communism and it's not happening. Yeah, everyone can buy a car these days but two holiday family trips to Soelden or Canary Islands per year? Hell, that's still beyond most of Pole's economical resources. Forget Canary Islands, some parents can't afford to send their kids on the Baltic shore. I was lucky enough my father's mine funded three weeks of seaside holiday in the summer for the employers' kids like me. Now it's obviously gone.


All people want to look into a bright future with more wealth. It's a question whether the expectations are realistic. The EU can give money, but in the end the state government is (mostly) responsible on how those money is spend. Still, Poland is the biggest net receiver of the EU (12 Billions in 2018). By the way, maybe a higher share in Germany can afford two family holidays per year, but that is absolutely non-standard here, too. My family did not belong to that share, when I was a kid (90'/00's).

Edited by LowerSaxony
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9 minutes ago, LowerSaxony said:


All people want to look into a bright future with more wealth. It's a question whether the expectations are realistic. The EU can give money, but in the end the state government is (mostly) responsible on how those money is spend. Still, Poland is the biggest net receiver of the EU (12 Billions in 2018). By the way, maybe a higher share in Germany can afford two family holidays per year, but that is absolutely non-standard here, too. My family did not belong to that share, when I was a kid (90'/00's).


Poland is the 5th most populous EU member. We have roughly the same population as Romania, Greece and Czech Republic combined. That's a lot of pissed off voters if you tell them: "Nope, we don't have any money so if you wanted to improve your status after 1989 you were all wrong" :lol:


Quite frankly this is what the Civic Platform finance minister said in 2015 ("There is no budget money and there will be none") right before they got removed from power and have struggled ever since.

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1 hour ago, LowerSaxony said:

EU still has strong economic and political divides. At the moment, I don't see such cultural or religious divides that threaten the EU. However, economic divides are one of the biggest problems. But the problem of the EU (and that's the difference to the US) is that there are some member states which try to destroy main pillars of the EU, such as division of powers (Poland, Hungary) or telling lies to the voters. I don't see in the US that there are states who want to destroy the US or foundations of the constitution (well except of you of course regarding Californian independence :p:lol:)  

Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, etc. The divide between Red and Blue states is about the biggest it’s been since the Civil Rights Era (1960s). Religious divide is there with red states becoming more extremely Christian, and with blue states becoming more agnostic and less faith-dependent. Economic divide is also huge between states like California/New York and Alabama/Maine. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Some small news from Slovakia :p


Yesterday started the protest of 6 deputees from Progresivne Slovensko/Spolu (Progressive Slovakia/Together) directly in the parliament. They decided to start blocking the speaking podium of the parliament and by this effectively blocking the session  attempting to prevent the passing of doubled family allowances, the introduction of 13th pension, the scrapping of motorway vignettes and especially stop the rejection of Istanbul Convention in a fast-tracked procedure two weeks away from the parliamentary election. :lol:








They symbolically placed a wedding cake on the podium to symbolize the “marriage” between Smer-SD and the neo-nazis dickheads of LSNS. Since the Kotleba party announced they will vote for the Smer-SD propositions (Obviously because  of the Istanbul Convention rejection)  more here





However this session was suddenly announced by Smer-SD and SNS only two days ago, even if there was not any session schedulled until the new elections of the next week. The opposition calling it a populistic move from the leading party before the not good looking elections for them, that can totally destroy slovak economy






They also passed the night there with their pyjamas and everything :lol: more here




and today they continued and succeded again since the session couldn´t resume and was again postponed until tomorrow, Beblavý and co. already announced they will continue their camping and obstructions until the very end.



Gonna be interesting parliamentary elections in 10 days here

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6 minutes ago, hckosice said:


They also passed the night there with their pyjamas and everything :lol:


Is it possible they had an overnight gangbang?

If the lights light up exactly at the correct moment, he was definitely first, since his light went on first. Not sure if those lights are 100% accurate though?

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Now rather or not he’s lying...

Definitely time for a new round of House hearings and investigations. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Finally, a debate where everyone cannibalizes each other. This is the entertainment I’ve been waiting for since this time last year. Everyone finally airing each other’s dirty laundry. Bloomberg is getting the crap beat out of him by Warren and Sanders, and it’s absolutely glorious. Buttigieg faltering hard in the one debate he really needed to prove himself. Sanders and Biden holding their ground. Warren is like a freaking ninja right now. Where was this side of her two months ago?


Bloomberg also called Sanders a communist, so he can kiss 40% of the parties’ support goodbye. He won’t win the general election, Sanders’ supporters will draw a line in the sand on him after that.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Oh that was fun! I had about enough of this horseshit talking about how united the Democratic Party is. Everyone just witnessed in beautiful fashion why this party is a failure. Warren was the top performer by far, and is now the only candidate I believe to be capable of uniting the country. Sanders was in his element, and held off repeated attacks from “moderates” very well. Biden pulled a Cersei and walked right around the Clegane-Bowl that was Bloomberg v. Sanders. Buttigieg and Klobachar both had a rough night, and then fought each other! 

This party either nominates Warren, or loses the election. If there’s a possibility she can win, she has won my vote. I’d love to see Sanders pull through, but these “moderates” that “hate” Trump, won’t support Sanders against Trump. It looks like we’ll have a brokered convention, and I predict madness.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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