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Brazil National Thread


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CBDN has announced the "critérios técnicos" for participating at the 2018 Winter Olympics....but for some reason I really don't understand, they didn't add the things for biathlon there..


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I'm loving the new Globo ads featuring sports that might give us medals:




The most intriguing for me is the video that combines Athletics and Modern Pentathlon, two sports that might gives us medals but not necessarily. They feature Murer, Braz and Wagner Domingos (perhaps the most surprising name) for Athletics and Yane for Pentathlon.



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At least, seems Globo will give much more attention to the Olympics, i expect the best coverage from them, not thing like Bandeirantes, but a thing like Record did in London.


(did we must talk only in english? :d)

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  On 7/13/2016 at 5:52 AM, vinipereira said:



Wagner Domingos (perhaps the most surprising name) 



Wagner Domingos is arguably one of the 2-3 best medal chances for Brazil in athletics :p 


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Só para registrar aqui no fórum, o COB vai fazer a enquete para selecionar o porta-bandeira da Cerimônia de Abertura

Just to write here, Brazil Olympic Comittee will do a poll to choice our flag-bearer at Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony:


Robert Scheidt (iatismo/sailing)

Serginho (vôlei/volleyball)

Yane Marques (pentatlo moderno/modern pentathlon)

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  On 7/6/2016 at 3:23 PM, vinipereira said:

Geez, where are the brazilians in this forum? This thread is almost dead.


Eu também não sei o que aconteceu, antes da queda do fórum em março havia bem mais movimento nessa thread.



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  On 7/21/2016 at 8:48 PM, Felipe said:

Só para registrar aqui no fórum, o COB vai fazer a enquete para selecionar o porta-bandeira da Cerimônia de Abertura

Just to write here, Brazil Olympic Comittee will do a poll to choice our flag-bearer at Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony:


Robert Scheidt (iatismo/sailing)

Serginho (vôlei/volleyball)

Yane Marques (pentatlo moderno/modern pentathlon)



Na torcida por Yane!

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  On 7/25/2016 at 1:12 AM, vinipereira said:

Votação aberta! :cheer:




Como já indiquei, votei na Yane!



Gosto da Yane, mas preferi votar no Serginho, seria perfeito pra coroar a carreira olímpica dele.

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