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Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 News

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9 minut temu, hckosice napisał:

Jesus Christ, wtf is that ?

Some famous interior or fashion designer from Paris did this :lol:. We better not laugh at his creation, because knowing his life he got millions for it.

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12 minutes ago, dcro said:

Honestly, that color is just ugly.

Said the man who comes from a country of checkers ?

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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32 minutes ago, vinipereira said:

Finally an Olympic logo I like.



27 minutes ago, intoronto said:

What a horrible logo, probably the worst one yet.

These two comments accurately some up the international reaction from what I can gather. About 50% don’t like it or hate it. Then about 25% love it like myself and @vinipereira , and another 25% like @intoronto and @hckosice hate it. 

Honestly it is what it is. There will never be a logo that will make more than (at most) 60% of people happy. What matters is that many French fans seem to like, so good for the organizing committee. I think the symbolism is only matched by Rio, and those are my two favorite Olympics logos.

Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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You mean the symbol of a political revolution when at least 50 thousand people were guillotined is the symbol of Olympics. Fuck this shit, I'm out of this sport business. See you in the other world.

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Just now, Vojthas said:

You mean the symbol of a political revolution when at least 50 thousand people were guillotined is the symbol of Olympics. Fuck this shit, I'm out of this sport business. See you in the other world.

Yes, the one where 2,000 years of oppression was punished, and then very quickly became barbaric and out of control. I think that Marianne stands for more than that though, and that wasn’t what the designer or organizers were going for.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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I love Paris' logo. This is pure genius.

Tokyo's is one of the worst I've seen in my life. The original stolen logo was even worse.

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