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Cross-Country Skiing at the Nordic Skiing FIS World Championships 2021

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Okay, we are used at horrendous TV direction for the later starters in the interval races. There must something fascinating about showing the same slow-motions and 'provisional results' again and again, instead of focusing on some later bibs punching above their weight.


If it were up to me, the interval races would always be held during the first weekend, while the relays would be there for the other weekend. All other events can be held within a single day for all I care.:dunno:


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  On 3/3/2021 at 4:39 PM, Swewi said:

Seems like Johaug is afraid of 4th leg, after the sprint finish against Nilsson in Seefeld. I have mixed feelings about Fossesholm. On one hand, she is the norwegian I could like most, but it is difficult not to think about her teenage years with exception for using growth hormones.:mumble:


Did that really happen? I always thought that her cheeks looked suspicious, but didn’t think that the Norwegians would go that far.


Are there any Norwegian elite athletes who didn’t need serious „treatment“ during some point of their career?

You really have to admire that they were able to become world class „despite“ all that ...

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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Fuck, Lithuania in the relay tomorrow. Only 15 nations, meaning they'll score a shitload of points (160). It's going to really be a matter of hoping they have nobody in both the 30k and the World Cup in Engadin while hoping Brazil can and does compete there.


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  On 3/3/2021 at 5:46 PM, OlympicsFan said:

Did that really happen? I always thought that her cheeks looked suspicious, but didn’t think that the Norwegians would go that far.


Are there any Norwegian elite athletes who didn’t need serious „treatment“ during some point of their career?

You really have to admire that they were able to become world class „despite“ all that ...


Yeah the combination of their astma medical use in horse doses, giving it to healthy juniors, Johaugs doping case with a for me not so easy to believe explaination story, together with that Fosseshomn got growth hormones for 3 years (also happend to the sprint talent Stavas Skistad) would not have been talen seriously if it was Russia for example.

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Aaaaand Lithuanians troll themselves to an Olympic qualification.


I'm afraid we'll be the ones getting the bitter end out of this.


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I agree, really poor showing non stop replays of top athletes, as if somebody forgot this are Worlds, Ilike watching other athletes, how they end up their race.

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Lithuania right now is in 33rd. If they don't DNS or DNF tomorrow in the relay (remember, being lapped is not DNF), this is how the area around the 30th place looks:




Really nothing to blame Lithuania for, it's potentially very painfully poor/late planning by some other countries...


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Yep, can't blame anyone for being smarter than everyone else. If Latvia can convince Baiba Bendika to help them with FIS points (and 10k was in freestyle) then it's understandable Lithuania fields a relay team when they can - even if they probably finish dead last anyway.

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  On 3/3/2021 at 7:59 PM, heywoodu said:

Lithuania right now is in 33rd. If they don't DNS or DNF tomorrow in the relay (remember, being lapped is not DNF), this is how the area around the 30th place looks:




Really nothing to blame Lithuania for, it's potentially very painfully poor/late planning by some other countries...


Well, considering IBU changed their system, one can't really take any of this for granted.


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