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[OFF TOPIC] Quiz Thread


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Destroy All Monsters sounds like the most recent one ... but it was from 1968.

Mechagodzilla made his debut in 1974! :(


Pts. 125,000


   Which of these Godzilla films was originally released in 1974,

later than the other three?


  A: Destroy All Monsters   B: King Kong vs. Godzilla
  C: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla   D: Invasion of Astro-Monster


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That means you leave the game with 32,000 points, same as mrv86 last night.




♦             P t s .  3 2 , 0 0 0           


I hope you still had fun and enjoyed it and once again I apologise for the internet cut-off. That wasn't planned but I'll have to hire someone for that position. ;)



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2 minutes ago, Quasit said:

That means you leave the game with 32,000 points, same as mrv86 last night.




♦             P t s .  3 2 , 0 0 0           


I hope you still had fun and enjoyed it and once again I apologise for the internet cut-off. That wasn't planned but I'll have to hire someone for that position. ;)




I sure did, and the realisation of a dream of taking the Millionaire hot seat :d


Thanks for the game :)



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And that's it also for this week. On our first two nights we had...


...mrv86 as our first contestant with 32,000 points. He risked it all on the thirteenth question...


:MEX mrv86


♦             P t s .  3 2 , 0 0 0           



...Vojthas with 1,000 points, sadly the sexuality of plants was too much to handle...



:POL Vojthas


♦               P t s .  1 , 0 0 0            


and OlympicIRL just now with another 32,000.


:IRL OlympicIRL


♦             P t s .  3 2 , 0 0 0           

Hope you enjoyed, until next time. ;)

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4 hours ago, OlympicIRL said:

I know someone from South Sulawesi so really wanted to call them too :d:d

I don't know whether some tribe here has Kala as a honorifics, but we have Kalla the rich businessman and also former vice president who is from South Sulawesi :p

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10 hours ago, Quasit said:

You're right, Kala Namak is a type of black salt harvested in the Himalayas.

Kala Namak literally means Black Salt in Hindi. The term is used for almost all the varieties of rock salts from Himalayas. Curiously, the variety that is the most common is pink in colour.  

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4 minutes ago, Quasit said:

If any of you wants to play this weekend, Saturday 9th or Sunday 10th, please let me know.

@Olympian1010 @hckosice @Dolby @Wanderer

I’d like a go on Sat. 9th

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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