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[OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2021


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Just finished semi 1, what a results :yikes: 


Before watching the results, I had listed the songs in three categories...I know ten would go through, but I really couldn't find two more which should not be in 'Definitely not' :p (the + indicates the nation qualified)


Definitely will qualify:


Might qualify:


Definitely won't qualify:


I really can't, for the life of me, understand how Israel, Ukraine and Malta qualified. I mean, they were incredibly out of tune and the decisive parts were basically...screaming. Especially the 'highlight' of Israel's song, it's not like singing a high tune, it's screaming like the neighbour girls...

Oh well, hopefully semi 2 will be better :d 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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On 19/05/2021 at 14:06, Vektor said:

A ranking of the SF1 performances based on the amount of YouTube likes.


:RUS  124,297


:UKR  93,320


:AZE  54,754


:ITA  36,378


:CYP  34,905


:CRO  27,855


:LTU  25,042


:MLT  18,304


:ISR  18,151


:BEL  10,862


:ROU  10,531


:NOR  9,972


:AUS  7,346


:SWE  7,292


:GER  4,693


:IRL  4,359


:SLO  3,196


:MKD  2,947


:NED  2,841



The ESC hype is still strong in Russia, many of those likes most be from their home country. Ukraine is also a country that always does well on YT because they care about the show, but that's still a promising number. I would say that this is looking good for Italy, not so much for Malta, they might have some big issues in the televote. 

To get a comparison, here are the SF2 YouTube likes after a similar amount of time. 


:SRB  120,974


:FIN  35,173


:SUI  25,204


:ALB  22,485


:ISL  22,182


:FRA  17,192


:POR  15,443


:SMR  11,383


:BUL  8,874


:MDA  8,017


:ESP  7,509


:POL  6,538


:LAT  5,701


:DEN  3,902


:CZE  3,509


:AUT  2,956


:GBR  2,459


:GEO  2,366


:EST  2,783


A lot of support for Serbia, they can get a lot of televotes from the Yugoslav/Slavic countries. 


And this looks really bad for Bulgaria. I guess there's a good reason why they are falling behind at the bookies. 

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17 minutes ago, Vektor said:

  To get a comparison, here are the SF2 YouTube likes after a similar amount of time. 


:SRB  120,974


:FIN  35,173


:SUI  25,204


:ALB  22,485


:ISL  22,182


:FRA  17,192


:POR  15,443


:SMR  11,383


:BUL  8,874


:MDA  8,017


:ESP  7,509


:POL  6,538


:LAT  5,701


:DEN  3,902


:CZE  3,509


:AUT  2,956


:GBR  2,459


:GEO  2,366


:EST  2,783


A lot of support for Serbia, they can get a lot of televotes from the Yugoslav/Slavic countries. 


And this looks really bad for Bulgaria. I guess there's a good reason why they are falling behind at the bookies. 

As a political movement, pan-Slavism died in 1917. Eurovision has revived it!  :champion:

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Seems like a lot of people here didn't like Greece and didn't want us to qualify. Weird. I actually was very impressed and pleasantly surprised with our performance yesterday. I thought it was our best performance since 2008, even though I don't really like the song.


Of course if she was from Sweden it would automatically make the top 5 and everyone would be calling it a "masterpiece"


Also the Cyprus singer is fully Greek born and raised in Athens, and the Albanian singer lived in Thessaloniki for 10 years and has a Greek grandparent and speaks fluent Greek, she was on one of our TV shows a few weeks ago. Happy that they all qualified.


Also not sure why they keep making a big deal out of our singer being born and raised in the Netherlands. Yes that is true and the contest is in the Netherlands, but she is a Greek girl. Both of her parents are Greek, she speaks the language and her grandparents still live in Greece. The presenter yesterday made it seem like Greece just randomly selected a Dutch singer for no reason :facepalm:

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Damn, that 16-21 order of :FIN - :BUL - :LTU - :UKR - :FRA  is brutal. Heck, you can even add AZE to that. It's going to be a bloodbath. There could be trouble for France sandwiched between 2 visually great up-tempo songs. 


:ITA with the pole-position and rightfully so. Between 3 complete bores and the mediocre SMA it will vividly stand-out. But honestly, it would have stand-out anywhere else on the order either way. 


In the first half only :SUI keeps it's chances for a top 3. I already knew on Wednesday that they will use :CYP El Diablo as a flashy opener. The usual solid fan-favourite that gets top 10, but nothing more. :RUS at 5 is about right with it's uniqueness, but when the second half heavyweights hit, it will be lost. The 10-15 spot beckons.


I hope this is a sign that Malta is flopping hard and i pray it flops hard. I will laugh my ass off.

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3 hours ago, Vektor said:


And this looks really bad for Bulgaria. I guess there's a good reason why they are falling behind at the bookies. 


Not necessarily. There is usually a large home nation influx of views, when they upload the videos. And BGs are amongst the least Eurovision invested people, if we are going south-east from Hungary. Today in the office, from around 20 young people, only one other person cared that we made the final :lol:  It's no surprise that Serbia and Greece have big views. Crazy, wacky, entertaining entries always do well, because people are re-watching for the lolz. You won't get multiple replays for a hard ballad. But you will need only one showing to grab the casual watchers on Saturday.


I think the views are good. They are on the same level as :SUI , :ISL and :FRA , which are the ones we should be looking at. We won't be winning, that was clear, when the song was announced, but i still see a top 5 position. If we are looking at the odds, half the nations before us have a problem with one of the voting wings, while i think we would have a strong balanced showing on both sides. Juries will sink Finland (sadly), San Marino, maybe even Ukraine, while Lithuania, Portugal will struggle with the popular vote. Iceland is a mystery for me and can't wrap my finger how popular will it be with the audience. And Malta could flop too. 

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For what it's worth, my same list for SF 2 :p


Definitely will qualify:




Definitely won't qualify:


Where I must say I added San Marino not because of it's performance, but because I didn't expect them to get enough votes. Mixed feelings about that one personally: it starts nice, but I found to go downhill to the depths of earth when that dude appeared and started...I don't know what he was doing, but not singing :p 


At least I had 6 of the 10 right in terms of who I thought could qualify :d 


And much to my surprise I noticed Ukraine is actually one of the! :yikes: 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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