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Supporting Small and Exotic Nations at the Summer Olympic Games 2016

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For many years during every Olympics we have a special thread on the main Dutch forum. In this thread, people choose one small or exotic nation and introduce them to the rest, support them during the Olympics and keep people updated on how they're doing. This way the small nations don't go through the Olympics without any kind of attention and we learn more about the lesser-known nations and athletes :)


It's a bit hard to give exact criteria of which nations are eligible, obviously powerhouses like the USA, China, Russia etc are not. For starters, let's make these criteria:


- Countries with more than 50 athletes in Rio are not eligible

- Countries that reached the top-30 of the 2008 or 2012 Olympics are not eligible

- Countries with a big medal favourite are "reserves", when all or most other countries are taken (for example Grenada with Kirani James or Fiji with their rugby team, if they even stay under 50 athletes which doesn't seem likely anyway)


Many nations that have a bit more than 50 athletes or that have one or two medal candidates are up for debate of course. Imagine a user from Grenada here, he or she would be more than welcome to take Grenada even though they have a big medal favourite. Same thing goes if you have specific personal reasons for a certain country (apart from the obvious countries, those are just off-limits for this).



Feel free to share your opinion on this or, in case you already like it, simply choose a nation :) 



Nation List

  • :AND Andorra - Jur (1st choice)
  • :ANG Angola - JoshMartini007 (1st choice) 
  • :BAH Bahamas - tuniscof (2nd choice)
  • :BAN Bangladesh - Benolympique (1st choice)
  • :BIZ Belize - mrv86 (1st choice)
  • :BHU Bhutan - heywoodu
  • :BDI Burundi - KhanBeaver
  • :COM Comores - bestmen (1st choice)
  • :COK Cook Islands - Wanderer (1st choice)
  • :CRC Costa Rica - Agger
  • :CIV Cote d'Ivoire - OlympicIRL (1st choice)
  • :COD DR Congo - amen09 (2nd choice)
  • :ECU Ecuador - hckosice (1st choice)
  • :ERI Eritrea - rybak (2nd choice)
  • :GAB Gabon - IoNuTzZ (3rd choice)
  • :GUM Guam - Jur (2nd choice)
  • :GUA Guatemala - amen09 (3rd choice)
  • :GBS Guinea-Bissau - vinipereira
  • :HON Honduras - Henry_Leon (2nd choice) 
  • :ISL Iceland - OIympicIRL (3rd choice)
  • :KIR Kiribati - africaboy (2nd choice)
  • :KOS Kosovo - tuniscof (1st choice)
  • :LAO Laos - Griff88 (1st choice)
  • :LIB Lebanon - carivan 
  • :LIE Liechtenstein - dcro (3rd choice) 
  • :LUX Luxembourg - IoNuTzZ (1st choice)
  • :MDV Maldives - bestmen (2nd choice)
  • :MTN Mauritania - Gianlu33
  • :MRI Mauritius - OlympicIRL (2nd choice)
  • :FSM Micronesia - ahjfcshfghb 
  • :NRU Nauru - Crolympic
  • :NEP Nepal - Wanderer (3rd choice) 
  • :NCA Nicaragua - hckosice (2nd choice)
  • :OMA Oman - mrv86 (3rd choice)
  • :PLW Palau - dcro (1st choice)
  • :PLE Palestine - Malik (1st choice)
  • :PAN Panama - Henry_Leon (1st choice)
  • :PNG Papoa New Guinea - tuniscof (3rd choice)
  • :PAR Paraguay - Pabloffo 
  • :RWA Rwanda - uk12points
  • :SKN Saint Kitts and Nevis - IoNuTzZ (2nd choice)
  • :LCA Saint Lucia - ofan
  • :SAM Samoa - africaboy (1st choice)
  • :SMR San Marino - Pavlo (1st choice)
  • :STP Sao Tome and Principe - mrv86 (2nd choice)
  • :SEN Senegal - amen09 (1st choice)
  • :SEY Seychelles - Wanderer (2nd choice)
  • :SOM Somalia - rybak (3rd choice) 
  • :TLS Timor-Leste - Griff88 (2nd choice)
  • :TGA Tonga - Jur (3rd choice) 
  • :TKM Turkmenistan - LDOG
  • :TUV Tuvalu - rybak (1st choice)
  • :ZIM Zimbabwe - dcro (2nd choice)


- Countries that have "1st choice" behind the username are not available anymore, just like countries that only have the username without "xx choice". Countries with "2nd choice" or "3rd choice" are still available to pick up as your first choice. 

Edited by heywoodu


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Personally on the Dutch forum I've chosen Bhutan, assuming they'll get at least one wildcard in the archery. I'll do the same here :)


For all future Winter Olympics, I'm hereby already claiming Brazil :d 

Edited by heywoodu


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I'm planning to do something similar with my blog once teams start to become finalized.


I've always had a soft spot for Pacific nations, though I like to keep up with all small nations.


Are we allowed to do multiple nations (assuming we do one at a time)?

Edited by JoshMartini007
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2 minutes ago, JoshMartini007 said:

I'm planning to do something similar with my blog once teams start to become finalized.


I've always had a soft spot for Pacific nations, though I like to keep up with all small nations.


Are we allowed to do multiple nations (assuming we do one at a time)?


First I'd say everyone chooses 1 nation, but given the fact we don't have that many active users, it might be possible to choose 2 or 3. How about choosing a "1st priority" (and so on) when you choose multiple nations, so if someone else comes and really wants a nation you have, they can take it?


Example, you post:


1. Tuvalu

2. Cook Islands

3. Vanuatu


Shortly after, someone desperately wants to do Cook Islands (let's say for personal reasons), so this person is still allowed to take it :)


Basically I think we shouldn't be too strict - after all it's just for fun and it's not like we have 150 active users - and on the other hand we also shouldn't have 5+ nations for one user. Of course when the Olympics are coming close and nations are still up for grabs, feel free to pick them up :d 


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I am always a huge supporter of any underdog and I will support all small nations in Rio (unless they are against a British athlete!) but if I have to pick one it'll be...


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1 hour ago, heywoodu said:

Personally on the Dutch forum I've chosen Bhutan, assuming they'll get at least one wildcard in the archery. I'll do the same here :)


For all future Winter Olympics, I'm hereby already claiming Brazil :d 


Would Denmark be allowed for the Winter Olympics? :mumble::lol:

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3 minutes ago, Agger said:


Would Denmark be allowed for the Winter Olympics? :mumble::lol:

It might not be "exotic" enough but given your nationality there might be an exception :d


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