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Football 2016 Discussion Thread


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Renato Sanches, a portuguese young player (18 years old) from Benfica, has signed for Bayern Munchen for 35M€, a record value for portuguese players (in our own liga of course :p). This transfer can go up to 80M€ depending on extra achievments.


This is causing a huge discussion here because some people think he's our future "Ronaldo", and others think he's not that special and that Bayern made a huge mistake. 

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Football World cup 2016 " Mundiavocat: "

:ESP 13-22 /05 2016 lamanga (ESP) :ESP


Official site

MUNDIAVOCAT is the World Football Cup for Lawyers! Every two years more than 2000 lawyers from more than 40 countries gather for this event! The next MUNDIAVOCAT will take place from May 13rd to May 22nd, in La Manga, Spain!

More about Mundiavocat:

• A gathering of colleagues in a sporting, friendly spirit.
• Over 1,500 lawyers, 70 football teams from the Bars of five continents.
• An international sports competition under the auspices of a professional organisation.
• A 10-day event with each team playing 7 matches.
• Matches played on grass pitches with referees supplied by the Local Football Federation.
• Medical support cover for all the grounds.
• A draw in the presence of all participants.
• A spectacular opening ceremony.
• A ceremonial prize-giving during which prizes are awarded to all teams, the winners, the best scorer, the best player, the best goalkeeper and the team with the best spirit of fair-play.




Participating nations


Edited by bestmen
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The 66th FIFA Congress, held in Mexico City, followed the recommendation of the FIFA Council and confirmed the admission of :


Kosovo :KOS (141 "yes" to 23 "no" of valid votes cast) 


Gibraltar :GIB (172 "yes" to 12 "no" of valid votes cast)

as the 210th and 211th FIFA members.


Both associations will be entitled to take part in the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers, with UEFA tasked to look into the best way to integrate Kosovo and Gibraltar in the preliminary competition. 


Other decisions ratified (disciplinary, about members) :

  • lifted the suspension of the Football Association of Indonesia :INA imposed in May 2015.
  • confirmed the suspensions for the Football Association of Benin :BEN and Kuwait :KUW , and asked the FIFA Council to lift these suspensions as soon as the necessary requirements are fulfilled. 


All decisions of the congress, included the first woman appointed FIFA Secretary General,Fatma Samba Diouf Samoura of Senegal


at this page

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Probably Kosovo will go into the group of Croatia and Gibraltar to the group of Belgium. That way all groups will have equal number of teams and it won't be necessary to exclude results vs the bottom teams for second placed teams table.

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so last round in most of the countries this weekend

in england is only the matter for 4th spot


Arsenal v Aston Villa
Chelsea v Leicester
Everton v Norwich
Man Utd v Bournemouth
Newcastle v Spurs
Southampton v Crystal Palace
Stoke v West Ham
Swansea v Man City
Watford v Sunderland
West Brom v Liverpool

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:ESPBarcelona  :champion: won their 24th title

Luis Suarez is the top scorer with 40 goals


Spain will have two seeded teams in next Champions League: Barcelona and the winner of CL; other 4 teams will be: Bayern Munchen, Juventus, Paris SG, Leicester City and last two seeded teams will be the :POR champions (Benfica or Sporting) and :RUS champions (CSKA or FK Rostov)

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Last round in :ITA  SERIE A divided in two days :wacko: (TV rights........ :facepalm: ) but something has already decided:


Next season CL spots (2+1): Juventus (champions) and Napoli (runner Up) , with Roma at  play-off

Next season EL spots (3): Inter (group stage), Fiorentina (TBD round entry*) and third spot TBD* (CUP wnner or 6th place)



  • if Juventus will won Italy CUP : Fiorentina at group stage and Sassuolo will join in third qualifying rounds
  • If Milan will won Italy CUP: Milan at group stage and Fiorentina in third qualifying rounds

Relegated (3): Hellas Verona and Frosinone are relegated in Serie B , last teams will be Carpi (35pts, will play at Udine) or Palermo (36pts, will play at home against Hellas Verona)

Promoted (3): Crotone and Cagliari; third teams will be the winner of Serie B play-off (from May 24th to June 9th)

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