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Winter Olympic Games 2018 Team Sizes

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Belgium suddenly started accepting all possible quotas. Result - their biggest team since 1936!


In 1998 for example they had 1 (!) athlete, and yet he won their last winter medal. :d


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:LAT Latvia - 34 athletes. It says 35 but bobsleigh reserve doesn't count.


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Damn it, we lost to Latvia. 33 athletes for the Netherlands.


Ploegenachtervolging = team pursuit and I suppose the rest speaks for itself.



Speed skating

- Antoinette de Jong (3.000 meter en ploegenachtervolging)
- Ireen Wüst (1.000, 1.500, 3.000 meter en ploegenachtervolging)
- Jorien ter Mors (500 en 1.000 meter)
- Lotte van Beek (1.500 meter)
- Marrit Leenstra (500, 1.000, 1.500 meter en ploegenachtervolging)
- Irene Schouten (mass start)
- Annouk van der Weijden (5.000 meter en massastart)
- Carlijn Achtereekte (3.000 meter)
- Esmee Visser (5.000 meter)
- Anice Das (500 meter)



- Sven Kramer (5.000, 10.000 meter, massastart, ploegenachtervolging)
- Bob de Vries (5.000 meter)
- Kjeld Nuis (1.000 en 1.500 meter)
- Jorrit Bergsma (10.000 meter)
- Koen Verweij (1.000, 1.500 meter, massastart, ploegenachtervolging)
- Ronald Mulder (500 meter)
- Kai Verbij (500 en 1.000 meter)
- Jan Smeekens (500 meter)
- Patrick Roest (1.500 meter)
- Jan Blokhuijsen (5.000 meter en ploegenachtervolging)



- Yara van Kerkhof (500m, 1.00m, relay)
- Jorien ter Mors (1.500m, relay)
- Lara van Ruijven (500m, relay)
- Suzanne Schulting (500m, 1.000m, 1.500m, relay)
- Rianne de Vries (relay)

- Daan Breeuwsma (relay)
- Dylan Hoogerwerf (500m, relay)
- Sjinkie Knegt (500m, 1.000m, 1.500m, relay)
- Itzhak de Laat (1.000m, 1.500m, relay)
- Dennis Visser (relay)



- Sheryl Maas (freestyle)
- Michelle Dekker (alpine)


- Niek van der Velden (freestyle)



-Kimberley Bos



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12 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Damn it, we lost to Latvia. 33 athletes for the Netherlands.


and it wasn´t so hard this time :whistle:, considering they failed to qualify the 25 hockey players this time :(

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Dont know if it was posted earlier: Hungarian team: 16, according to Hungary"s M4 Sport. Most of it is in short track speed skating (in which they have a real medal chance for the first time in 30+ years, all WOG sports considered...)

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2 minutes ago, dharang said:

Dont know if it was posted earlier: Hungarian team: 16, according to Hungary"s M4 Sport. Most of it is in short track speed skating (in which they have a real medal chance for the first time in 30+ years, all WOG sports considered...)


Do you have a full list of participants?


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Acording to argentinian press: 4 quotes in alpine skiing (in the FIS page says 2 and is earlier  to think in all the rejects quotes) and 2 in cross country, its not imposible if some countrys rejects quotes to have some in snowboard.

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