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Biathlon 2022 - 2023 Discussion Thread


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7 hours ago, RobtheAggie said:

On the flip side, it gives a definite 4 year plan for three of this group really move to the forefront.  It will be interesting to see if they will keep the 5 slots after this season with both Windisch and Bormolini out.


Didier Bionaz -2000

Patrick Braunhofer - 1998

Daniele Cappellari - 1997

Cedric Christille - 1999

Daniele Fauner -1999

Tommaso Giacomel - 2000

Iacopo Leonesio - 2000

Michele Molinari - 2000

David Zingerle - 2000

yeah, at least we can make a clear masterplan for the next 4 seasons...


what's making me think, instead, is the fact that we didn't hire anybody "new" to replace Curtaz and Zingerle, but we're just going on we the same coaches of these last few seasons (who proved themselves not that efficient), we did even call back Alex Inderst, who was sent off a few years ago...


the only new face in the staff is the former Finnish shooting coach, who will be the new discipline's coach for the women's team and a sort of personal trainer for Vittozzi (and God knows how much she needs a new start from scratch in this discipline after the last couple of seasons)...


we'll see...but I'm not so optimist...


so far, the only winter sport showing that they really want to improve is Skeleton (we just hired the great Willy Schneider and his faithful assistent Thomas Platzer as the new coaches of our team)...

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Paulina Fialkova has announced that she will continue with biathlon.  After a lost 2020/2021 and a really poor 2021/2022 she seriously considered retiring.  It turns out that the positive results in Oslo convinced her to continue.  She will race at least one more season.  Ivona has not decided yet if she will continue.

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Austrian Team:


Men's National Team:

Eder Simon


Men's A-Team:

Leitner Felix

Komatz David


Men's B-Team:

Haslinger Lukas

Hechenberger Andreas

Jakob Patrick

Lemmerer Harald

Meuller Fabian

Hauser Magnus

Pitzer Lucas

Postl Thomas

Prosser Maximilian

Unterweger Dominic


Men's C-Team:

Domes Andreas

Glasser Daniel

Kienesberger Leon

Marchl Thomas

Prosser Mathias

Stangl Marcus

Steiner Raphael

Weigl Alexander



National Team - 



Women's A-Team

Innerhofer Katharina

Zdouc Dunja


Women's B-Team

Andexer Anna

Gandler Anna

Heigl Selina

Juppe Anna

Kramer Femke

Oberthaler Kristina

Osl Lisa

Pinter Lena

Rothschopf Lea

Schrempf Anna Maria

Schwaiger Julia

Steiner Tamara

Wagner Lara


Women's C-Team

Anhaus Wilma

Millinger, Anna


Nationalkader BiathlonSaison 2022/23ÖSTERREICHISCHERSKIVERBAND

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French Team:


Team A


Justine Braisaz 

Chloé Chevalier

Anaïs Chevalier

Julia Simon 

Paula Botet

Caroline Colombo

Lou Jeanmonnot 



Fabien Claude 

Quentin Fillon-Maillet

Antonin Guigonnat 

Emilien Jacquelin 

Eric Perrot 

Emilien Claude 


Team B


Camille Bened 

Chloé Bened 

Fany Bertrand 

Sophie Chauveau 

Camille Coupé 

Gilonne Guigonnat 

Coralie Langel 

Océane Michelon 

Jeanne Richard 



Rémi Broutier 

Paul Fontaine 

Théo Guiraud-Poillot 

Jacques Jefferies 

Valentin Lejeune 

Damien Levet 

Oscar Lombardot 

Sébastien Mahon 

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On 5/13/2022 at 3:45 PM, Swewi said:

Annamarja Lampic becomes a biathlete:yikes: 

That was a surprise for me.  I wonder how long it will take for her to successfully make the transition to carrying a rifle on her back, and hitting the targets?

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6 hours ago, RobtheAggie said:

That was a surprise for me.  I wonder how long it will take for her to successfully make the transition to carrying a rifle on her back, and hitting the targets?

And then even with that she's not going to be fast. Biathlon isn't 1.4km sprint for 7.5-15km not sure

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5 hours ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

And then even with that she's not going to be fast. Biathlon isn't 1.4km sprint for 7.5-15km not sure

She also had good distance results, but rather classical. Overall, I remember her as a better classic runner than freestyle.
But you should keep in mind that for example Denise Herrmann or Stina Nilsson were never really top distance runners and mainly had podium finishes in sprint.

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