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5 hours ago, dullard said:

Looking forward to the swimming prediction competition :bounce::bounce::bounce:


4 hours ago, Wumo said:

You can expect the swimming prediction contest will be posted and opened either on Sunday or Monday. :)


and me the teams sports prediction!!! :thumbup:

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45 minutes ago, vlad said:

@Wumo In Paris 2024 Olympic Games - Miscellaneous Prediction Contest you have to mention which category is in Canoeing. For example in Miscellaneous 1 Prediction you put Women's Canoe Sprint C-2, but which category is? 200m or 500m?

It would be women's C-2 500m, as it's the only Olympic C-2 event for women. I haven't written distances for the canoeing sprint events as there are only one event for each boat size for both men and women. 

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5 hours ago, George_D said:

In Miscellaneous 3 Prediction i think these are the entries for Women's Canoe Sprint K-4 not Men's



Thanks for spotting this mistake. :)I have now edited this event so the entry lists now reflects the nations at start in the men's K-4.  

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