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Totallympics Announcements Thread

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The thing I miss about the old one was that you saw 30 threads with "latest replies", but it was extremely annoying that every day at some point some threads just disappeared from there and I'd still miss them (I still never understood the reason).

That doesn't happen here, but something like you have on most forums ("My active threads/topic") would be useful, getting a list of the threads in which you posted.

Also it's sometimes a little annoying that new posts are not marked as new posts, so when there are like 20-30 new posts in a thread, you don't know exactly where the first unread post is.

Edited by heywoodu


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I got used to the previous one:( ,  it was easier for me to get access to results but there was a lot of disadvantages for instance it runs very slow and sometimes the page does not load at all! so far i have never had those kind of bugs in this new forum! Besides, here we are able to appreciate and evaluate others participations, we do have an ignore or black list and so many other features..
Therefore i vote for the new one for the reasons that i had listed above .:thumbup:


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i am from the ones that think that the old forum was too excessive in results posting but i think we should have results in most important competitions. World championships, continental championships and olympic qualification threads-results. So i prefer the old one but with less results

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


after one month of the new version of Totallympics, I have added the option to become a Premium Member. You can purchase the Premium Membership through the button "Buy Premium Membership"  in your navigation bar.


I have set the price to 15 euro per year, which right now will give you the following priviliges:


  • -No ads shown around Totallympics: you will see no advertsiment in any page


  • -Signature: you will be able to add a signature to be shown after each of your posts


  • -Upload attachments: you will be able to upload pictures from your PC directly in a post.



The price and the privilege list could change in the future according also to your feedbacks about that.


For the moment everyone will be able to take part in the Prediction Contests, and you do not need to be a Premium Member to participate.


For the moment, the only payment accepted is with credit card, with VISA, Mastercard and American Express being accepted. Just after the payment, you will be automatically listed as a Premium Member and you will get the priviliges of a Premium Member. I have tried the payment with my credit card and I have checked everything works and the transaction is safe. The payment channel used is Stripe.



If you do not have a credit card and you would like to pay with another payment systems, you can contact me through Private Message and if possible we can choose another payment system and I will manually move you in the Premium Member User Group.


Nobody is forced to buy the Premium Membership. For non registered users who wants to donate and registered users who think 15 euro per year is not the right price (too much/too less), you can use the Donate page to make a free donation, starting from 1 euro.



Premium Members will get all and only the priviliges listed. They will get no other priviliges such as in Prediction Contests scores or in admins' support in a potential "fight" with a Non-Premium Member.



Non-Premium Members will find more advertisments starting from today, I am sorry for that but the forum software we are using is pretty expensive and I have to pay it in some way.

Edited by Sindo
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