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Actually the problem with cyclocross, snow volley, ice sailing (but this one would be tough considering the climate changes) is that the IOC had a rule not to allow the sport federations to compete in BOTH Summer and Winter Olympics.... I would love to change that rule, at least for the sake of snow volley.


If we speak about minor wishes, I would like to balance quotas between some sports. Consider we have i.e. 16 quotas for taekwondo tournaments and 15 to 20 TEAM quotas in equestrian disciplines plus several individual ones. Would not that deserve a better balancing?


Also I would like to have more diverse disciplines in Winter Olympics. We have all kinds of erverything in summer sports - martial arts, precision sports, ball games, pure athletics.... I miss something like snow-wrestling or....idk, like a snowball fight :D Might be a team event ;) But as a simple wish as I sad before: snow volley would be a perfect addition to the winter programme.

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