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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Nice dive from Lemi. at least 5.8 for execution
  2. Mihaljevic 12th to the party, we have full house already
  3. also Haratyk still virtually out...did the conditions changed so much ?
  4. Jacko Gill 21.12 They are now 11, one full football team
  5. 20.92 Joe Kovacs. 10 already qualified
  6. Vitezslav Veselý announced he´ll not compete in the javelin due injury from yesterdays training
  7. Something happened in shot put after Cremona attempt, the live score is dead
  8. Heywoodu´s legendary jinx of Victor and Thiam striked again yesterday
  9. 48.04 Thiam = 822 points, still more than 100 point for KJT before the 800m
  10. Epic Double-Double by Lindon Victor in Discus Throw and Pole Vault
  11. Absolutely Qatar will be definitely remembered
  12. Also just noticed all 19 heptathletes will throw together in one single Javelin group
  13. M Shot Put may seriously be the EVENT of this WCH edition
  14. well, that´s surprising. I was surprised to see the Group B still not competing, I Don´t remember at all, they already did it last year. Thanks
  15. Tim Nedow Qualified in Shot Put as well, I wonder how many finalists we will have
  16. Don´t know, but probably the first time we have non-parallel Pole Vault Decathlon groups
  17. Stanek escaped nicely here. another final for CZE
  18. So 216 points lead for KJT over Thiam before the Javelin
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