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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. No, one single rider i think. You can to see how it work here:
  2. I love the antidoping sistem, i hope that Errani will finish her career this year. Btw, i'm happy for the Johaug ban
  3. It's stupid that they show only the laser run.. in WC they show all events..
  4. Luxembourg join in the Lacross International Federation
  5. Paltrineri won the 1st gold 800m and open water now...
  6. Yeah, our team is a disaster And Zaytsev doesn't deserve the national team.. you can't whitdraw for a sponsorship reason... It's the national team, not your club!
  7. Italian seismologists: we must wait 74 hours for know what it is and if we'll heave a replay. So, let's hope
  8. 2 deaths, it's terrible I'm not very distance from here and after every earthquakes people think at 1980... i think that i don't sleep tonight..
  9. And the 4th italian division officially start today Almost 2000 people on the stadium for see the team and no a match, it's a good start for us. Here a small photo of today
  10. Well, i must wait 10 years for see an eclipse in Italy
  11. Fantastica volata di Elia Viviani che si prende la vittoria ad Amburgo
  12. So, Australia will miss the 2018 Eurovision?
  13. Damn, it's only silver for Jung Gold medal for Klimke and silver medal in team event for Germany too!
  14. And it's gold medal for in the team event! Great result for the british team
  15. Well, and it's a "clean" for Canter . Well, a clean round whit too much luck
  16. Sweden on fire! I hope that they'll will finish in second place in the team event
  17. And again a clean round, this time for Krajewksi!
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