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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. For Rio we have an accord whit the referees don't worry
  2. Another accident because of a motorcycle. Is absurd..
  3. We beat Russia 2 times in 3 days We want this results in Rio
  4. Roberta Vinci on the court. Go Roberta!
  5. No, in really only referees play for us our girls what the match. This post was ridiculous
  6. Well, I listing for the first time the Italian song whit a part in English.. Amazing
  7. Hum, good. Whit a lot of trash television now
  8. Well, Netherlands did not qualify to European
  9. Gloria Tocchi was doped She was the number 8 in the ranking and she was European and World Champion. What a shame for us..
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