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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Well, they are in the Union so they should be solid allies... but no, their government don't care about the Union
  2. What strange edition, i know that our team is very week this time, but all other results
  3. Well, we don't sent athletes in any sport... only some in acquatics, a football italian 4th division team and an athletics team. So, i'm not surprise about it I hope that for Napoli 2019 we'll send a big team..
  4. Becouse they have again relationship whit other european country? Orban governament was interessed in European Union only for the food standars..
  5. Spartacus won again a WCh, this time in a -70kg! Now he will imporove his weight to 74kg, 3rd world title in a 3rd weight category is coming?
  6. Bad results for the italian team this week, probily they do too much competitions. Btw, our girls have a great talent, sadly they have a bad day whit the fancing round today
  7. Only here we think that the roller biathlon is completly different from the real biathlon?
  8. And it's a great gold medal for South Korea for Jinhawa Jung!
  9. It's time to start the last event of the day, the men's combined! I love this sport
  10. It's time for our only medal card.. c'mon Frank, we are whit you
  11. It's normal that we have a poor entry list here, WCh are coming
  12. They show some today highlights frist to the final Live here
  13. What!? The Craciun's brother won a medal It was unexpected!
  14. Ireland, what amazing show! Im very happy for this gold!
  15. And it's a retire Our dreams are finished Now c'mon Zorzi..
  16. It's very very hard win a medal.. maybe impossible.
  17. And it's clean round for Alberto Maybe we have chance in the individual..
  18. And no team medals this years in european.. frist eventing, now this
  19. 8 penality for Diniz. I hope that she will qualified for sunday, but bye bye medals
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