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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Grande giornata alla NADO, ben 5 azzurri dopati in un giorno solo Partiamo dal caso noto, Fabio Lucioni, capitano del Benevento calcio, è risultato positivo Clostebol in seguito alla gara Benevento-Torino Meno noto ma più importante è stata la positività al Sotalolo, sostanza betabloccante ed una delle poce sostanze che danno vantaggio nel tiro con l'arco, di Antonio Carminio, medaglia di bronzo dei mondiali 2014 a Zagabria di arco campagna. L'azzurro è stato trovato positivo durante i campionati italiani. Tra gli altri dopati figurano un atleta minorenne della FICK, e i ciclisti Anna Grazia Martena e Simon Giacomello
  2. Amazing results for Zanotelli! The Gladiator Romes won the GCL's home stage!!
  3. Well, not a great event at all It's very sad see like a sport event can be use by a dictator
  4. Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Portugal and Saudi Arabia join in the WCF Some news about men's and women's WCh too, they are expanding to 13 teams from 12.
  5. Ah, the gender equality, another amazing idea Luckly Bach have some problems of political support (if you see his candidate for the NOCs representative lost the elections)
  6. It's the olympic, not the beer festival... The medal must go the the best athletes, and not to a mixed team... btw, i like the composite team, it wasn't a bad idea
  7. Sure Mixed nations events are the wrost idea that the IOC have ever had...
  8. But they work whit a bottle of vodka on the desk? Fis is amazing.
  9. Of course.. you can't arrest 15 people, it's a shame!
  10. Have two different bike isn't a great idea for me
  11. Almost 7 deaths in Antille for Maria
  12. 2017 Swimming world championship are annulled for natural disaster
  13. Very bad months for the Americas My heart is whit Mexico, eartquakes are a shit
  14. Road to Tokyo2020 Calcio Femminile - Qualificazioni Mondiali 2019 Romania 0 - 1 ItalySeptember 19th 2017, h. 16:00 (GMT +3), Stadionul Dr. constantin Radulescu, Cluj-Napoca
  15. Medaglia a sorpresa per Puppo, fantastica giornata per lui! Dopo le prove giovanili siamo già a 3 medaglie, nel pomeriggio ci sono le donne
  16. Here:
  17. It would be a nice news for Italy, let's hope
  18. A medallist from the Southeast Asian Games in Kuala Lumpur has tested positive for banned performance-enhancing drugs, it has been revealed. No other details about it, we know only that it isn't from Malaysia
  19. The American Samoa Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (SAU IA) has been recognised by their NOC. They now are fully recognised by the international bodybuilding federation.
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