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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Irak doesn't count about the autodeterminations of the Kurdi. Read the ONU code
  2. I strongly support it.. after decades of years they really deserve it.
  3. Justin Thomas / Rickie Fowler (USA) defeated for 6-4 Charl Schwartzel / Hideki Matsuyama (World). Usa lead 1-0
  4. It's time for the Presidents Cup C'mon World!
  5. Good start for Rizzo, i think that he will finish around 3rd-4th positions. The individual pass and the team pass are very near
  6. Sadly whit 4 good girls injured our team was a crap yesterday I hope that our handball level will be increase..
  7. The creative director of the Closing Ceremony of the 2017 Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games has promised a spectacular show for the attendees and viewers worldwide when the curtain comes down on the multi-sport event at the Ashgabat Olympic Stadium here tomorrow. Good luck Balich
  8. Russia lost the 5th place of the Olympics Games too. Here the medal reallocation (not confirmed yet) 2013 World Championship Gold: United States Silver: Jamaica Bronze: Russia Bronze: Great Britain 2014 European Championship Gold: Great Britain Silver: Russia Silver: Poland Bronze: France 2013 Universiade Gold: Russia Gold: Canada Silver: South Africa Bronze: Turkey
  9. It's amazing see country like Senegal, Kyrgyzstan and Malaysia. Canoe slalom is an amazing sport and it deserve this success.
  10. Clamorosa sorpresa negli USA dell'otto maschile, direttamente in finale avanti a gbr ed australia. Sono dei ragazzi fantastici che si giocheranno una medaglia, ora vediamo come va..
  11. It's always funny be insulted by you, it's an honour for me Btw, the law was voted today, dear genius
  12. Well, it's a start no? The new Sheikh is a reformist, so let's hope
  13. Saudi Arabian girls few days ago was authorized to attend at the public manifestation. Today finally are authorized to drive a car Amazing job Saudi Arabia, it's the start for a changement?
  14. Wow, welcome back Estonia It's a great edition! Any news about Iran or India?
  15. Sadly the people that want the Sicily indipendent are very few. Only right indipendence in Italy is the South Tirol (some Italian sportmen are from here, like Tania Cagnotto or Dorothea Weirer) , that speak another lenguage and they have another history. And damn, i hate their accent :lol;
  16. Yes, sure.. or maybe they kill other people becouse they are in civil war?
  17. I gues that we have a problem here Good job Hungary
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