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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Hopefully Para Bobsleigh will be added to the 2026 Winter Paralympics. It was originally supposed to debut in 2022, but the IPC decided some criteria for inclusion weren’t met.
  2. Latvia has officially threatened to withdraw as host if Belarus is not stripped of the right to co-host. Latvia want the IHHF to allow them to select a new co-host. This is a little silly since we all knew Lukashenko was a dictator when Latvia threw their lot in with Belarus. While I understand the situation has dramatically changed since then, one could say that if Latvia was fine laying in bed with a dictator then; there shouldn’t be much difference now. Of course, I’m happy they’re standing up for human rights/democracy now. I’m just saying they could have done a better job of asserting their beliefs by not choosing Belarus in the first place. However, I realize the importance sports can play in uniting divided cultures/governing systems, so I can understand how this was a complicated decision for them. Rene Fasel/IHHF isn’t completely innocent here either. Fasel made some poorly worded statements about the situation in Belarus, and I think those ultimately helped push the Latvian government to this extreme.
  3. Nile Wilson has become the newest high profile athlete to make allegations of abuse. He claims UK Sport/UK Gymnastics has perpetrated a culture of abuse. Having followed his journey since Rio (he’s a vlogger on YouTube), and some of the dark parts of his career, it wouldn’t shock me to know that there is an abusive culture at UK Gymnastics. Unfortunately, I think almost every NF has these issues, and it comes down to the culture of the sport. People inside gymnastics will have to be willing to change their behavior, or we’ll just see this cycle repeat once more.
  4. Yeah they did Winter in 2018. I think people liked it just as much, but it was a pain in the ass for JMRC to film some of the events. I remember there was editing issues as well, and it was more expensive than other seasons.
  5. Undecided on that. Communications gives me a couple of options. I could do journalism, PR, copy writing/advertising, social media, public speaking, etc. I’m not really sure where I want to specialize yet. I’ve still got some time to figure that out. I’ve really enjoyed all my comms classes though, so I’m certain I made the correct choice.
  6. Well, I already declared my major at my community college, so I’ll stick with it at a four year. I’m a communication studies major.
  7. I don’t actually watch a lot of sports. I do spend a lot of time reading results and articles about various events though. I would say that it’s easier for me to watch live sports, but I enjoy watching replays too. I hate professional sports, so that doesn’t leave me with a lot to watch currently. . I do love multi sports games, and I only really started watching them religiously after Rio, so I have a lot to catch up on there, so that’s how I choose to spend my time during quarantine. I think after the first week of this semester, I’ll mark the four year anniversary of the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games by rewatching the Games. That’s the plan for now anyway. Oh good. I’m glad your in a district like that. I’m incredibly lucky to have online classes for the entire semester, so I shouldn’t have to worry too much about my health. I’m entering my second year of community college. I’ll be applying to a four year university this fall (I’d start there next fall). Personally, I’d recommend going to community college and then transferring to a four year.
  8. You watch a lot more sports than I do. What’s school look like for you this semester?
  9. Paper Planes is one of my warm-up songs, so it pained me when I had to vote against it @intoronto Also, y’all better believe I’m firing finger guns everywhere while listening to it
  10. Finished the 2015 African Games today, as well as, the 2020 Marble League. With the conclusion on the TISC Special and the start of my uni semester tomorrow, I guess summer is officially over
  11. You, me, and @Vojthas teams all managed to top the standings and qualify for next year’s marble league! Congrats to @Vojthas and the Savage Speeders. They deserve a ML victory after that glorious choke last year. Overall, I’m satisfied with the Orangers performance. I would much rather have won gold obviously, but this was a marble league to remember for us, and there’s absolutely no shame in silver (it’s still a medal after all). I have a feelings things are going to get “crazy” in the 2021 ML
  12. I can’t wait to meet once more in Amsterdam! The greatest of all Dutch cities, and the only part of the Netherlands that matters.
  13. It isn’t the best song It was a firm middle of the pack 10th-20th song for me.
  14. I never listened to it. The video wasn’t available in the U.S, and it was in group, so I didn’t bother to seek it out. For all I know, it could be the greatest or worst song in history.
  15. It was another song that I did not like originally. I didn’t connect with it in the group stages, but something changed once we got to the elimination stages. Of course the song references SoCal, and that is the quickest way to my heart.
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