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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Another police shooting of a black man. Obviously, details are still preliminary as this only happen a few hours ago, but the video circulated raises a lot of questions. I’m going to post the video in a spoiler below, so that you can see the incident from a primary source. This is video is of a real life police shooting that could very well be fatal, so please do not open the spoiler if you’re not comfortable seeing that (or if gun violence is a trauma trigger for you). I’m always careful about how I handle information that comes out following any sort of newsworthy event. You to be careful that the facts are being reported carefully and accurately. Often times I prefer to wait a few hours (or even a day) before making an effort to read all the facts and form an opinion. I will wait for more information to come before forming my final opinion, but here is my reaction to that video. This is case is a different from the murder of George Floyd. The man who was shot did not appear to be fully complaint with police. That said, I still don’t believe the shooting was justified. If an officer is close enough to grab a man’s shirt and hold a gun to his back before shooting; he is capable of using non-lethal methods to detain the man. The shooting seems pretty heinous being as I feel officers had multiple opportunities to apprehend the man. It’s also ridiculous that an officer would feel the need to shoot a man 7 (that’s the number being reported) times in the back. I get that officers have to deal with dangerous situations from time to time, but it seems utterly ridiculous that they had to resort to lethal methods here. Honestly, those officers attacked like they placed zero value on that man’s life, and that is unacceptable. Like I said, I’ll wait for more facts to emerge before I make my full judgement on the matter, but I am outraged by this video. Enough is enough.
  2. There’s some (questionable, at best) U.S. media throwing around Kin Jong Un coma rumors again. As our resident North Korea expert, can you provide any info @Griff88?
  3. It’s more true in the sense that you’re racing 500 miles. NASCAR has a 400 mile race that all of sudden becomes 405, 410, or 415 because of all the overtime starts. While I would absolutely agree the “Green, White, Checkered” finish is more exciting, it is a little less true to the sport since you’re not rewarding the guy who won the race at 400 miles. Plus, you take away the importance of the rest of the the race, since all the drivers know there will be a two sprint finish the majority of the time. Sure, you’ll want to have a good position going into that, but what’s the point when there will mostly likely be a 5-15 car crash that lets you move closer to the front anyway. I’m trying to say either way is better, they both have their own pros/cons in my opinion, I’m just saying that a straight finish is more true to the sport since you actually race a distance of 500 miles to find a winner. It’s unfortunate that races can end on yellow, but that’s the consequence of taking risks for a chance at victory. I can remember at least 3/4 yellow flag finishes in the Indy 500.
  4. Yep, I can remember a lot of Indy 500s that end on caution after a late crash. I think the way Indy handles it is more fair (or at least more true to the sport) than NASCAR, even if it’s less entertaining.
  5. Canada ❤️ Tweet is a play on our State Anthem “I Love You, California.”
  6. There’s a difference between calculated risk and stupid risk though. Racing without head protection is stupid risk; racing with head protection is calculated risk.
  7. There’s a strong possibility it’s going to get worse
  8. I don’t really care if they’re ugly as hell, or beautiful enough to win a pageant; I just care that the drivers are protected. We’ve seen way too many deaths (and near deaths) in IndyCar in the last decade.
  9. Our oldest state park, filled with 100s of massive ancient Redwood trees, has been completely torched by the wildfires
  10. After a great summer of 2017 Jeux de la Francophonie and 2015 African Games replays, I’ve decided to celebrate the four year anniversary of the Rio 2016 Summer Paralympic Games by rewatching those replays. I actually really enjoy the Paralympics, sometimes more than the Olympics since the atmosphere is more chill, the sports are different, and bureaucracy is less annoying, so I’m looking forward to reliving Rio 2016. I spent this week studying up on the history of the Paralympic Games, and creating a document full of statistics to enhance my experience. I started my anniversary celebration tonight with a replay of the opening ceremony. I haven’t watched that many opening ceremonies. I wasn’t the biggest fan of London’s personally (which I watched earlier this week), so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the ceremony. Rio 2016 now holds the title for my favorite Olympic and Paralympic ceremonies. I watched the ceremony four years ago, but I couldn’t remember much, and I remember NBC didn’t exactly show everything. I really enjoyed the artistic segments focusing on the various “disabilities.” I really enjoyed the pair of blind dancers, the moving pictograms (easily one of the biggest “wow!” moments I’ve had watching a ceremony), and Amy Purdy’s Dance with Kuka. Torch relay will always be remembered for the torch drop and recovery. I’ve already voiced my opinion on loving the Olympic cauldron, so that applies here too. Also, hats off to all the Brazilians who gave their federal government what they deserved by booing for a good couple of minutes; that was highly enjoyable since you just never see that at these types of ceremonies. All in all, a good way to spend four hours on a Saturday night. I’ll spend the next couple of weeks/months watching Paralympic replays until winter sports roll around (or until I have to watch replays of winter sports ).
  11. Gladiator, but it’s not really a historical film as much as a drama. I remember watching “The Eagle” too, but again that took place mostly in Britannia. I’ve heard of the term “Roman Salute”, but I just thought it was the Italian name for the Nazi salute.
  12. Is there a difference? (I’m genuinely asking as I didn’t know there was two different salutes)
  13. Nazi salutes are worse, but I’m not all that familiar with the incident you shared. Obviously, I’ve seen the video, but I don’t know a lot of the context around it. Slovan seems to have a pattern a Neo-Nazi ultras, so that’s why I said they’d be competition.
  14. Slovan represents stiff competition for them, as I seem to remember Slovan unveiling a “White Lives Matter” banner earlier this year.
  15. Alright, so Slovan is officially my least favorite European Football club.
  16. Yeah...I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. That seems highly unlikely.
  17. Oh fuck! How will they ever recover from that.
  18. Yeah...I wouldn’t be so sure that democratic-socialism is done just yet. I know the U.S. House races don’t get a lot of attention, but progressives are upsetting moderates and liberals left and right in those primaries.
  19. A lot of people are voting for Biden based on the fact he could die in office.
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