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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Chris Wallace claims that Trump arrived too late to the debate to be tested, and participated anyways.
  2. Trump has been transported to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C. It was reported that he was experiencing “mild symptoms” before being transported. For now, the 25th Amendment has not been invoked.
  3. 2018 Youth Olympic Gold Medalist Notably, that title came on a clay court as well.
  4. Trump has apparently tested positive to Covid-19.
  5. Under the Olympic Charter, the IOC is supposed to ban the United States from participation in the Olympic Games for government interference. Bach also warned Italy and the Republic of Korea about government interference this week, so we could see some major challenges to the IOC’s power. India and Kuwait have both served bans this century for government interference.
  6. I can’t wait to find out which user is representing the country of “coming soon“
  7. What’s with every federation being World (Name of Sport) now?
  8. official website:
  9. Hirschi was great and all, but can we just acknowledge the performance from Cosnefroy for a minute! What the hell was he doing in the mix for the win? I will say that Hirschi is quickly becoming one of my favorite riders to watch.
  10. So...this will be the winter when the Elfstedentocht is finally possible right?
  11. Not officially, the ISU said they’re still looking at options for January/February.
  12. But they are wearing masks for the most part, so they’re trying to fight the virus at least. Same cannot be said for people in the US.
  13. That, in and of itself, is an issue honestly. In proper debate, both sides argue a specific issue. They both make arguments supported by facts/research. Speaking times are respected. Each side as allotted time to present their argument. They are then given time to question the other side about their position. Both sides then get concluding statements. No personal attacks are allowed. You aren’t allowed to go over time.
  14. Biggest takeaway seems to be that Trump failed to condemn white supremacy, and then told the Proud Boys to “Stand down and stand by.”
  15. Well...that went about as well as expected. At least they actually got to talk about some policy for a change, so that’s nice.
  16. Well this a glorious fucking shitshow
  17. Yep, it’s going to be debate chock-full of fantastic answers like: ”Could you please repeat the question?” and “That’s a nasty question. I’m not going to answer that.” Plus, we’ll probably get a couple of long winded rambling responses that make absolutely zero sense, and a few sad attempts at sick burns. Also, this isn’t a debate. Candidates aren’t required to speak in fact. That aren’t going to be fact-checked by the moderater. They’re going to be encouraged by their bases to take pot shots are the other candidate. They won’t get into any meaningful policy debates, or be able to explain any policy further than “I believe all Americans should have healthcare,” or “I’ve done more for America than any other President,” or “I’ve got a plan to improve the economy.” There will be nothing substantive in this debate to help Americans make an informed choice about who should lead the country. Americans instead will judge the candidates, on who made the best burn/insult, who has a nicer looking face, who seems more comfortable on television, etc. So let me throw this out there, this is NOT a debate; this a glorified political version of a Comedy Central Roast.
  18. A real shame. Catherine was a great media contact. I was a little sad reading her letter this morning.
  19. USA Song Selection It’s time to have some fun.! Oh wait! Sorry...The U.S. jury got a little carried away there. After two consecutive years of representing the United States, fun. have decided to take a break. With fun. out of contention, the U.S. jury worked tirelessly year-round to select a new artist to represent us this year. We listened to songs that represented all the genres, regions, and people of the United States. The song we choose won strong praise from all members of the United Staes jury. So, without further ado, it is my pleasure to present this year’s entry into the Totallympics Open International Song Contest representing the United States...His Master’s Voice - Monsters of Folk Lyrics Mohammed rolling dice with Christ at twilight And they hear their master's voice, they run to do their chores At master's calling. Their job tonight, re-write the bible For a whole new generation of non-believers. The pastor screams out to the crowd 'There's evil that must be put down!' And it touches the soldier boy he heeds his master's voice His life is calling. Sweet soldier boy, the speaker is bleeding He hears his master's voice do you hear your master's voice? Calling like the lady siren's call. Sweet soldier quiet- just staring at the ceiling And he hears his master's voice he hears the call to war The siren's singing. Out on the line- there's something that strikes his side And he sees his inner child he hears his mother's voice Softly calling. Spirit soldiers mother hovers she holds up a paper cup And the sound of life and love fills her ear. You're only gonna hear what you want to hear Do you hear your master's voice now? Mohammed and Christ speak twice as nice But the one that I like best he sings inside my chest I hear my master's voice now Calling out, calling out, calling out, calling out. Backup link for those of you who have issues with playing the video above:
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