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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Track looks like if the Sochi and Pyeongchang tracks had a baby. It also looks like it’s completely enclosed and basically protected from any weather.
  2. Yeah, but they really struggled to outperform Guinea-Bissau and that left a poor impression on me.
  3. Maham Aftab - 2010 Youth Olympian (Taekwondo):
  4. @dcro does our young/old banter count as a TISC occurrence as well? I can’t remember how that started.
  5. @rybak Recently, there’s been a trend of contest related memes I think.
  6. Like the Left Twix/Right Twix comment earlier this week, there is only one correct answer.
  7. We generally don’t talk about purely mythical or fictional events however.
  8. I’m very familiar with the battle over solar farms after what they’ve done to and for my community. The biggest issue here isn’t necessarily the birds, but the wildflower and Joshua tree habitat these companies raze to construct the solar farms. However, there are solutions to those problems. It just requires better planning. We need to utilize urban infrastructure to make these solar farms, instead of natural areas. Regarding solar farms from that article: “I strongly believe there’s a way to show the birds that the PV panels are solid surfaces, not water,” said Ileene Anderson, a scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity. “We can safeguard our irreplaceable wildlife, like the Yuma clapper rail, through thoughtful implementation of renewable energy projects,” Anderson said. While “green” energy has some environmental hurdles to clear, let’s not forgot about the “wonderful” world of oil, gas, and other fossil fuels. Quote from the same article: “The effects of wind turbines on birds, which research suggests kill far fewer birds per megawatt hour than do fossil fuel plants.” Conservationists en masse still support green/renewable energy, they just believe we need be more careful with the infrastructure.
  9. Interesting. I live near a massive wind turbine complex, and never knew this was a problem.
  10. I laugh my ass off when Trump accuses Biden/Harris of being “further left than Sanders,” or “a socialist.” He nearly lost the Democratic primary because he wasn’t progressive/liberal enough.
  11. 20 minutes until Shitshow 2: Electric Boogaloo
  12. Are we talking left Twix or right Twix? (Note: There is a correct answer)
  13. I was going post about the LOC rationale for the 10km Race Walk, and then I remembered @PHI2019 already posted an article about it.
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