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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. So the IOC approved 50 measures suggested by the LOC to simplify the 2020 Summer Olympics. Coates also suggested these may become permanent changes for future Games as well. @intoronto and I are still working on trying to find a full list of the measures, but here’s some of the more interesting ones we’ve come across so far: - Reduction of officials attending the Games by 10-15% - No athlete/team welcome ceremonies in the Olympic Village - Venue decoration decreased by 30-40%
  2. The IWF apparently hid well over a 100 doping samples from athletes during Aján’s time in power.
  3. That’s going to be such a world class facility. Bobsleigh track right there next to cross country/biathlon center. Plus a nice lodge to top it all off.
  4. I voted against her in 2018 She actually didn’t even receive the California Democratic Party’s endorsement in 2018. They endorsed her challenger (and the candidate I voted for) Kevin de León. León was the better candidate, but Feinstein had better name recognition and large support amongst women.
  5. Two people were killed while working to remove unexplored ordinance from World War 2 in preparation for the 2023 Pacific Games in the Solomon Islands.
  6. In 200+ years of the Union, I don’t think a president has ever threatened to hold onto to power no matter the result of an election.
  7. We’re escalating in the wrong direction again.
  8. 2021 Winter EYOF moved to December 2021. Source: This means that there will be no multi-sports games this winter. This also guarantees that we will go at least a year without a multi-sports games.
  9. Left for class; cooled down; and came back the chipper Matt you all love
  10. I will say that maybe the officers aren’t completely at fault, but Breonna Taylor’s summary execution points out major flaws in our policing system. Not one officer was wearing a body camera, so there’s no actual proof as to what happened the night. The officers did not announce that they were police officers before attempting to enter. One officer just fired blindly, and at least they’re punishing him. Breonna was given no medical attention for up to 20 minutes; that’s unacceptable. I understand that her injuries were fatal, but at the very least someone should have checked, comforted her, etc. I think officers need to receive more training. “No-knock” warrants need to go. All police officers should wear body cams. Police should do their absolute best not to hit innocent people as bystanders during gun fights (it happens much more often than it should). Police should apologize when they do so, and not release a statement that says “I know we did the legal, moral and ethical thing that night.” (Which is what one of the officers actually said this week). That’s how I truly feel about this.
  11. I’m getting towards that tipping point where I start saying things I regret, so I’m just going to have to leave this thread for now.
  12. Well unless Breonna had psychic control over the actions of her boyfriend, I don’t see how her summary execution (which is what this was) is justified. I mean read what happened, this is ridiculous. I get officers were fired at, but that doesn’t justify just shooting blindly in any which way. Breonna never fired a weapon, she wasn’t a suspect in the case; yet somehow, she’s the only one that’s dead. That’s unacceptable.
  13. Which is actually what the Trumps are doing right now.
  14. Oh, they guilty as fuck for sure, but the Trumps are absolutely just as guilty, if not more.
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