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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I guess a lot of this is true about English too, but I feel like it’s worse in Spanish. Maybe that’s just because it’s my second language though.
  2. Latin American Spanish in general can be frustrating because of all the colloquial/slang words. Some words have different meanings in different countries, and can even be offensive in some cases. Some items just have two names for no real reason. It can be confusing for someone who doesn’t speak Spanish as a first language.
  3. The Milky Way Galaxy was first measured at the Mt. Wilson Observatory. Our position in the Milky Way Galaxy was also calculated using data from observations at Mt. Wilson. Edwin Hubble discovered other galaxies besides our own at Mt. Wilson. Data collected at Mt. Wilson also helped lead to the formation of the Big Bang Theory. Mt. Wilson Observatory is now endanger of burning down in one of the massive California wildfires.
  4. 2021 World Championships have been moved from Lake Placid to Altenberg. That means Altenberg hosts back-to-back world championships, since they also hosted them last year. World Cup Season is now: Sigulda, Sigulda, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Winterberg, St. Mortiz, Königssee, and Beijing The entire North American Cup season will take place from January 4 to January 24. It’s likely that the season will just be 2 doubleheader events at two tracks (my guess is Park City/Lake Placid). Europe Cup Skeleton starts at the end of November, and will visit: Königssee, Sigulda, Altenberg, and Innsbruck. The season will end towards the end of January. Europe Cup Bobsleigh starts at the beginning of December, and will visit: Winterberg, Sigulda, Altenberg, Innsbruck, and Königssee. The season will end in the middle of February. Skeleton Intercontinental Cup starts in December, and will visit: Königssee, Pyeongchang, and Innsbruck. The season will finish in January. Junior World Championships remain at the same venue and date for the time being.
  5. According to Coates, it is unlikely Iran will be banned from the Olympic Games:
  6. Alright, well that pretty much ruins my suggestion about how to lessen Slovakia/Slovenia confusion.
  7. Wheelchair Basketball has been kicked off the sports program. Wushu will take it’s place. The invitational sports program is now: Duathlon, Lacrosse (Men), Wheelchair Rugby, Wushu, and American Football (M/W Flag)
  8. @justony What is the name for Slovenia in the Slovene language?
  9. Probably the hardest hill too because of it’s size. I would absolutely love to do a Red Bull 400 one day, but the closest race to me is probably Park City.
  10. @RobtheAggie that “Hit the Peak” event reminds me of the Red Bull 400. The Red Bull 400 is a 400m race up a ski jumping large (K125, K120, etc.). I think it’s a creative idea. I always wanted to run a 5km that was completely uphill. I never had the speed to be a good cross country runner, but I had/have very good endurance, and I enjoy hilly terrain.
  11. I ate a passion fruit for the first time today. It was surprisingly good. That smell though
  12. Does anyone else feel like their account is suddenly subscribed to every thread after the last update? I get notifications like “Heywoodu posted in Moto GP.” It’s weird that I get that notification, since I don’t “follow” the Moto GP thread or Heywoodu’s account.
  13. Just found this awesome promo for the 2011 Asian Winter Games today. I would have really liked to see Kazakhstan host the 2022 Winter Olympics. They have some of the most picturesque and unique winter sports venues in the world. This video only makes me want a Winter Olympics in Kazakhstan more
  14. We don’t even get an Asian Winter Games this cycle, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up
  15. Right after the Pan American Winter Games
  16. I was just thinking that this morning
  17. Venues for Beijing 2022 are 140 miles away from Beijing... I get not wanting to build another velodrome. That’s a pretty legit reason for organizers leaving Track Cycling off the program (and 150 miles is just too far as well).
  18. Ah, good to know my Lions are in their normal form. The best thing about being a Lions fan is that you never have to worry about making the postseason. You can really enjoy the 3-7 regular season wins you get. Unless of course you lose all your regular season games too...
  19. Yes/no. It’s just a competition for riders less likely to factor into the Yellow/Green jersey battle. I think it’s a fun little sub-competition. I always enjoy the competition between the 2-3 lesser known breakaway riders for jersey.
  20. Right, it’s just funny that he has a very good chance of winning that jersey without trying to. I’ll give Cosnefroy credit for managing to stay in that jersey so long, while struggling to show any real climbing prowess, but Pogacar would be a more deserving winner (or Hirschi).
  21. I’m pretty pleased with the program. I like the additions of Sport Climbing, Rugby 7s, and Beach Handball. Like @Vojthas said, I think Ski Jumping might help add some public intrigue to the Games. I don’t mind the inclusion of Breaking. It doesn’t require it’s own venue, and it shouldn’t need a large amount of quotas. I’m very happy the organizers managed to kick out Boxing. The reintroductions of Fencing, Beach Volleyball, Volleyball, and Triathlon to the program are very welcome; I enjoyed those sports in Baku. Like others, I hope Swimming (and Diving/Water Polo) can be added to the program later on. The only thing I’m sad about is Sambo missing the program. It’s one of only two true European martial arts, and it featured at both of the last two European Games.
  22. Rowing is out because the federation is more focused on the European Championships. I have no idea why Track Cycling was left off the program. My only guess is that the organizers don’t want to build a velodrome, or the nearest velodrome is too far away.
  23. I feel like it’s worth noting that Swimming will not feature at European Championships or European Games. That’s a big miss for LEN.
  24. Mountain Running will replace DNA/Mixed Team Event as the Athletics discipline under the current program. It’s not going to be possible to have a full Athletics program so long as the European Championships are around.
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