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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. @hckosice I’ve appreciated your stage preview and stage results posts everyday. It’s makes it much easier to stay interested in, and keep up with the Tour. Hopefully our man Sagan finally pulls through for a stage win.
  2. Göransson wins an Emmy for his work on The Mandolorian. He only needs a Tony to achieve EGOT status now.
  3. So assuming nothing ridiculous happens, both of the last two Tour De France winners were also Tour of California winners. Bernal won the Tour of California in 2018, and Pogacar won the final edition of the Tour of California in 2019.
  4. Two of the more notable American entries out as well.
  5. Bykolles definitely hasn’t found the same success as Rebellion, and they’ve had a few seasons to at this point. They’ve just never really had the pace. I’m was always glad to see people make an attempt at a solid LMP1 entry, but it’s just too hard to compete against the main manufacturers (unless you’re Rebellion for some reason).
  6. Not sure who the worst LMP1 team of the era is, but Nissan/Bykolles/JOTA all make great candidates. I think Rebellion deserves a lot of respect for what they’ve been able to do.
  7. Which could begin a potential Constitutional Crisis where the party in power just changes the number of justices to stack the Court in their favor.
  8. I’m hearing Pogacar was fastest. It’s very likely he’s won three jerseys. What a legend!
  9. Yes! I was waiting for you to post this. Time to fricken blast this around the house.
  10. If Carapaz was second, they will be tied heading towards the category 4 climb tomorrow. If Carapaz was third, I believe that battle is over also.
  11. Netherlands lead the Spanish Netherlands for the stage win now
  12. Those few years of Audi v. Toyota v. Porsche were awesome, but yeah, I hope the new class of cars creates a more competitive race.
  13. Russia not wanting to be outdone by the US as per usual.
  14. End of an era. I began watching during the Audi v. Peugeot days.
  15. She’s a cultural icon in the US. Her legacy was cemented years ago. She couldn’t have stepped down after 2010 because the GOP controlled the legislature, and wouldn’t approve any Obama nominees.
  16. Yes, this will absolutely further radicalize everyone.
  17. I believe he can still nominate a judge until his term expires in January. There’s a few Americans presidents that are famous for stacking the courts the night before they leave the White House as a nice “fuck you” to the next guy.
  18. I really needed that 4.6 earthquake in my at 23:30 tonight, thanks Earth. Now I get to spend the rest of my night trying to fall asleep while hoping that wasn’t a foreshock ?
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