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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Women’s handball due up in a few minutes to get sporting action under way
  2. Despite some internet headaches, I was was able to watch King Richard last night. I found it throughly enjoyable. I don’t have much to judge it against yet, but it seems like a film that could get some Oscar nominations.
  3. As @OlympicIRL said, one was already made for the contest. @Dnl can post as a parting gift perhaps?
  4. Yeah, either there’s quite a few entires missing, or there are a lot of unused quotas. There’s so many events with only 5 or 6 entries.
  5. Also, I’d like to extend my thanks to @Dnl for hosting this contest, even with all the difficulties. I was happy to see everyone cheering for their songs, posting jokes, and having a good time once more. Also, congrats to @Hipooo on the win.
  6. So I gave points to and my 12 to . Does this certify me as the leader of the anti-committee now? I’ll post a personal breakdown of my votes in a bit.
  7. The favorite phrase of the Olympic movement is back once more.
  8. There were quite a few substantial changes overall, but I was surprised by this one for sure.
  9. One of the bigger names from the Olympic movement to comment.
  10. I remember someone posting the sailing quotas but I couldn’t find the original post. Anyways, there’s been an update there as well. declined both of the dinghy quotas it was offered. declined its men’s dinghy quota In what is becoming a bit of theme here, and rare one for multi-sports games nowadays, there will be less entries than quotas allocated to the sport.
  11. Not sure if this was posted before, but here are cycling quotas if not:
  12. I think I stumbled upon the streaming layout for the Games: If this is actually the streaming schedule for the Games, that seems like a good amount of coverage:
  13. “There is no war in Ba Sing Se.”
  14. The easy fix for the two divisions problem would be to create a separate Olympics qualifying points system that ranked skaters based off time set regardless of what division they were in. I would personally prefer to see qualification based purely off time, since that’s mostly what the sport is about anyways. The problem with that would be high altitude ovals like Salt Lake. My suggestion to solve this would be to base qualification of the total of a skaters three best times in the qualification period added together. The only restriction in that system should be three skaters per country, reallocation would go strictly to next best. It might worth it to have some sort of universality criteria as well, to make sure there’s a good amount of countries involved.
  15. with a bronze medal result in the women’s event at the Asia Pacific Championships. bronze on the men’s side. Great results for both countries, and a fantastic send off for the Asia Pacific Championships.
  16. Or even just mirror it to one of the roller speed skating events if that’s the what their trying to replicate. The elimination and points formats World Skate uses are such much better than the awful format used by the ISU.
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