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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I say we just ditch the horses and just have people do the courses
  2. This is actually what I’m most interested to see. I read the original news about this as a complete revamp of how the IOC handles universality, but the few documents published don’t seem too different from the past system.
  3. Draws for the team sports have been released:
  4. I remember you sharing some posts about this @hckošice. Quite a story.
  5. I’ve watched this performance a few times to week now. What an atmosphere!
  6. Draws for the team sports were released today. Link:
  7. I actually managed to see five (CODA, Dune, King Richard, Don’t Look Up, and Power of the Dog) of the films nominated for Best Picture this year. I was hoping to bump that up to eight over the weekend, but I just wasn’t feeling a lot of the films this year. I definitely want to watch Drive My Car and Belfast at some point though. I honestly wouldn’t describe any of the nominees I’ve seen as groundbreaking, phenomenal cinema. That said, I thought CODA, King Richard, and Dune were solid, easily enjoyable films (definitely worth a watch if you get the chance). My ranking for the five films I did see would be: 1. CODA 2. Dune 3. King Richard 4. Power of the Dog 5. Don’t Look Up I wasn’t able to finish Power of the Dog, and Don’t Look Up was to “on the nose” for me. I think the acting and camera work in Power of the Dog was superb. It just definitely wasn’t for me. The only other film mentioned on here that I saw was The Hand of God. Like @vinipereira I would have nominated it as well. I was quite shocked it wasn’t nominated. Edit: Oh, I should also add that I was furious The Summit of Gods was not nominated for best animated film. Beautiful storytelling and animation.
  8. Here’s a playlist of songs for tonight:
  9. First Qualifiers show for the American Song Contest is less than 24 hours away. The 11 songs for tomorrow’s show were just released a few hours ago. It will be interesting to see how the ASC is received.
  10. Streaming schedule:
  11. If the translation is correct, Chess has been to the sports program.
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