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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Nah, TISC's especially should be on a forum where one can easily 'read back' what happened.
  2. I like the mobile version of Totallympics, don't get me wrong (apart from choosing smileys which at least on my phone is a pain in the ass, since when I type for example :cheer, my phone automatically turns it into :cheecheer - same with every other smiley). It's just the adds that are covering content, buttons or that are simply present.
  3. Which I still think is a shame. The only time I support Totallympics with ads is when they are so annoyingly in the way on my phone that I accidentally click on one (for example when they block the notifications button), whereas I'd have absolutely no problem with a small donation (which brings in more money than those one or two accidental ad clicks). Edit: Well, if costs are no problem anymore there'd be no need for this Although I'd still pay a small amount to have ads removed, because ads make me mad (at least on my computer the AdBlock works well).
  4. If we get a Discord, Totallympics will be less and less active, like basically every forum ever where members start flocking to WhatsApp groups or Discords.
  5. Cool, for when you think 72 is too much of a shouting contest but 48 doesn't get enough attention
  6. It is so much time for sports federations to simply only award major events to countries who can assure every single participant* can be allowed to compete instead of struggling with visa. *you know, except those with a criminal record or something
  7. At least some previously banned nations are back to winning a boatload of medals, that's got to be great news
  8. Sure they have similarities (standard politician, not very trustworthy probably ), but as far as I heard and read and saw, Trump is sort of a Bolsonaro Light.
  9. Which is fun, but a billion times less important than the live (or semi-live in case of having to record something) version of watching events, especially during the Olympics.
  10. Although I do think Bolsonaro is kind of a million times worse than Trump, to be honest..and since Trump is a major asshat, that says something.
  11. So glad German TV and Dutch Eurosport exist.
  12. Also it took me 10 minutes to understand the commentator was not talking about 'spears' but about 'spares', which they have to use after a 'muss'.
  13. Finally got the time to continue watching, I'm now at the biathlon single mixed relay....I just can not for the life of me understand why FISU still goes with these absolutely horrendous graphics in biathlon It's somewhat acceptable in individual competitions, but in relays they don't even show the misses properly, so you end up seeing a bunch of targets with a random amount of black/white circles and no clue about how many shots have been fired on that target.
  14. Now I am frustrated (skiing speed from the first Duszniki sprint this season)
  15. Jill 'fighting' with Makarainen, Kuzmina and Kryuko after shooting 2, did not expect that
  16. Or try like in Trump's case: just ignore as much as possible and wait for the next elections and hope any other random person wins
  17. That is both hilarious and insane. What are they gonna do if @Sindo goes batshit crazy and decides to put up a BMX pictogram for the golf section?
  18. I listened to the warnings plastered all over internet when searching for Evan "Don't Google my name" Fournier
  19. I just see now it's with South Park's creators, that's promising
  20. Searching for him didn't turn up anything so I had to google why not to google him
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