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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It will however be a little hard to place Mount Rushmore, the Jefferson Memorial or the Washington Monument in a museum, that might be a bit of a thing. Any suggestion on how to deal with those?
  2. And hello Hitler And just to be as clear as possible on that: no, I do not exactly think Hitler was a good guy who should be honored.
  3. Which is why I almost literally said statues of people who did nothing but be involved in stuff like slave trading only have a place in a museum, where people actively go to learn about history and stuff - people really aren't going to a museum to 'honor' someone.
  4. I don't think there's much need to copy-paste everyone else's "There's racism and that's bad" and just turn it into a discussion with nothing but "Yes, I agree" posts. But sure, if that's what you take away from my posts (including those where I'm more than once saying how the peaceful protests are absolutely justified, how psychos like Chauvin need to be dealth with, and so on), go ahead I mean, it's not true, but feel free to think so. We don't have enough "You don't completely agree with everything I say, so you are completely against everything I stand for" talk on internet yet these days.
  5. That was not fun at all, some very loud protesting from every fiber in my body in the last kilometer. I am, however, very satisfied: 4:38, 4:25 and 4:10 (my fastest ever kilometer) for a total of 13:12,5 minutes Next up is the 1500m, which I've seen described as 'Dying with a capital D'. It being sort of an extended almost-sprint making it the most feared distance. Fan-freaking-tastic.
  6. I know, but there was this huge moment in the Middle Ages where tons of statues were destroyed (the Storm of Statues, which I thought was more of a European thing than a Dutch/Belgian thing than it apparently was ). Statues of people who did literally nothing but slave trading could of course easily be removed, but I doubt they'll put them where they belong: in a museum, where people can learn about it. And we're going in a way where literally everything with any tiny bit of connection to racism, slave trade or other dark parts of history is taken away. It's not how I see them, but I wouldn't be surprised if churches are targets due to the roles played in genocide and such (a Columbus statue is already torn down), mosques due to the slavery issues, and so on. Personally I prefer the examples of statues of people with a dark past, where in later years they added a plaque or something with an explanation about said dark past. Then you make very clear that this person has had contributions (because they generally did) but also was involvd in things we now find very bad.
  7. We're also in a new Middle Ages, were statues have to be torn down apparently (which in some cases is not necessarily a bad thing toward the person of whom a statue was made, but it's dangerous to just try and erase history like that). If this keeps going this way, it's a matter of time before centuries old churches and mosques are burned down as well due to their slave connections, which again from a historical perspective is just not good at all.
  8. Right, stage two: we've had Monday, Tuesday and have today and tomorrow for the 3km. The previous two days and tomorrow would be difficult due to work and besides, my legs still feel like crap after the full retard 500m of Saturday. This morning it is, 3km, with a rather optimistic goal of sub-14:00. Ave Totallympics, morituri te salutant.
  9. Oh I had seen it before a few times, that's why. Anyway, it is available, unlike the points list..
  10. I still can't get over how easy they publish lists of class A and B licenses and so on, but how completely secret they are about the incredibly, totally important IBU Qualifying Points List that's nowhere to be found
  11. Pyeongchang world championships were not exactly advertisement for that Although of course South Korea isn't the best non-European choice.
  12. You can not freaking make up that the horse is called Contraband. Is FEI really sure it's not 1 April?
  13. No idea how on earth we came to this in a biathlon thread but yeah I liked seeing Games in South America.
  14. They are being aggressively chased away and it is made abundantly clear they are not welcome there. The people doing so are just as much attacking free press, so as a fan of free press, it pisses me off just as well. What police in the US did is irrelevant for this scenario, although it does show that on both sides there are people who don't want their crap to be filmed (unsurprisingly).
  15. It's literally in the posts directly above yours. The live stream ends when the journalists are rather aggressively chased away by masked protesters.
  16. The likes of Tony Timpa and Daniel Shaver don't agree with you. Well, their families I mean, since they were killed by police just the same (and just before you get all worked up saying I'm denying racism or something, I'm not, I'm just saying "of course they didn't shoot because he's white" makes no sense, because they do in fact shoot white people who are already under control as well, albeit less often). By the way, surprised there's no reaction from you on BLM people attacking and chasing away journalists, but only when police does so
  17. The other option is Minsk, people only make some sound there when there's someone from Belarus passing by.
  18. As far as Australian biathlon venues go, yeah But I haven't been there, so I can only really judge Obertilliach, Lenzerheide, Martell and Arber and although apart from Martell they're all excellent, Lenzerheide absolutely wins it
  19. Nove Mesto in 2025 would be stupid if they already get it in 2024 for which they're the only bid? Minsk is a little soulless, Lenzerheide is absolutely fantastic, so Lenzerheide please Far and away my favourite biathlon place in the world.
  20. Well that's it for the live stream, since some 'protesters' decided to intimidate the journalists and 'escort' them away with some friendly 'fuck off! you need to leave, fuck off! hurry!'.
  21. NASCAR found another dude to crap on the anthem...this man sang alright, but why do they all have to make it sound like something totally different? Anyway, now that FOX's what seemed like an obituary for Bubba Wallace (that's what it looked like, no worries, he's alive and well) is done with, it's time to race in Atlanta
  22. Americans could have at least kept the rioting and violence and looting and stuff inside their own borders
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