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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The doping control officer, yes I'm expecting some insane times and shows once things get up and running again in several sports
  2. At least it gave us a sentence like this.
  3. Salwa Eid Naser? No way! I am shocked, I'm telling you. Shocked!
  4. Next thing you know they're gonna say Azerbaijan played a little dirty, jeez, the bias.
  5. Because Murica. Anyway, burning flags is childish. Crying about a burned flag is just as childish. People should grow up a little and not treat their flag as if it's their own child
  6. The whole crying about 'disrespecting a flag' is bullshit anyway
  7. So Brees came with the entirely expected and way too obviously scripted apologies. Result seems to be clear: - People who were offended say these apologies are useless --> they're mad - People who agreed with him are disappointed he didn't at least stand by his point --> they're mad Good job
  8. Since even for American standards it would be too idiotic to actually kick Brees out, it's gonna be fun to see how the cooperation between him and his teammates will be Professionals should put that aside during training and matches, but you never know
  9. There was some concern about several foreign drivers making it, but apparently it's been solved for all of them. Also, Indy Lights 2020 has been entirely canceled. Too bad for the 10 drivers registered.
  10. Parallel universe confirmed is a tiny bit of a huge overstatement there
  11. Minnesota law originally defined third-degree murder solely as depraved-heart murder ("without intent to effect the death of any person, caus[ing] the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life"). That is exactly the thing you can pretty easily prove here.
  12. Monday's NASCAR Xfinity Series before going to bed. Since work - and so basically real life - started this week, there isn't going to be a whole lot of time to watch a lot on weekdays I'm very glad the Olympics aren't happening this year, of course I couldn't realistically already take up two weeks of vacations this early
  13. So psycho Chauvin's charge has been moved up from 3rd degree to 2nd degree murder. Main difference being that to proof 2nd degree murder, you have to prove there was an intent to actually kill, instead of someone just not giving a fuck about human life. Good luck with that, they've made their work a billion times harder (and less likely to be succesful) by doing so. He might have intended to kill him, but that's as good as impossible to prove without several statements from other people about him. Acting without specific intent to go and kill someone, but with total disregard of human life, resulting in death (3rd degree) is the thing that is rather obvious.
  14. If you rewatched everything a few months ago it might feel like it happened a few months ago, for me it feels like it happened 100 World Cups ago And it was the team event, I'm 100% sure I watched it but also pretty sure I didn't feel very involved in looking at all individual athletes in the teams Man I'd be surprised if I can name 5 gold medal winners in the correct events Definitely not because of a lack of interest or something, if it was I wouldn't have shifted my entire life to Korean time for two weeks, it's just a matter of watching way too many events and races every winter so it all gets a little confusing what happened where
  15. Maren Skjøld won Olympic bronze Mind = blown
  16. Because it's a relatively normal season if they do indeed manage to get 15 races or so in, no need to add stuff in there that's mostly good for junior races. Yeah, not many people like the sound of the cars, including me, but I've gotten used to it enough to still enjoy a good race
  17. It's pretty easy: we are a sports forum full of people. If someone finds an athlete's death noteworthy, everyone is free to post it
  18. Louis Meintjes glued his way to yellow? Who knows
  19. For example people who start in Dakar or Isle of Man and so on are old enough to make their own decisions and weigh the pros and cons of their participation. You just can't expect an 11 year old kid to have that same kind of level especially in sports that are inherently more dangerous than for example football, tennis or athletics.
  20. Again, not an Olympian, but despite what the title says it'd be weird to not post non-Olympians here. Motorsports legend Carlo Ubbiali passed away aged 90. Some small notes: - He was the last surviving rider who raced in 1949, the first Grand Prix season - In 71 races, he won 39 times and finished on the podium an insane amount of 68 times...he missed the podium only three times, including in his debut (4th) and then almost ten years later when he finished 5th twice - In 12 years of GP racing, he didn't have a single noteworthy crash
  21. Pretty interesting read/overview with a good number of studies in it.
  22. The potential bullshit about reversed grid races is not even mentioned I believe? That's a relief
  23. He is looking at it like a freaking monkey looks at a watch
  24. That's not enough, the people demand the other three officers to be locked up as well. Trial by protest.
  25. What the mayor says in this case. Thing is, Amsterdam has a.....let us say, not exactly wonderful mayor nowadays (Femke Halsema, she used to be the leader of one of the national parties, GroenLinks)
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