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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Thanks, now I've got Dear Home stuck in my head again... Also, bring back Guyana! Tududududu, Electric Avenue!
  2. Didn't get anything like that, only for some reason (not TISC-related) a death threat a short while ago of which I assume the sender is a permanent drunk or some other problematic case
  3. It wasn't that odd in my case I've received more odd things, let's put it that way
  4. Excellent moment for a break, time to get some more work done outside before F1 starts
  5. I wonder what's up with that. Surely politics doesn't play that much of a role in TISC compared to Eurovision?
  6. I've given up on the top-5 gap graphs by the way, it's a bit too hard to keep track of it this time Definitely keeping track of the medals though
  7. Indonesia, of course! I either completely agree or I disagree entirely, or something in between!
  8. It's an excellent sign in general that after eight juries there's already only one nation left with that ugly 0.
  9. Oh that is exactly the same for me, those things are all up to my dad I'm excellent at the more simple physical work though. Think carrying pieces of wood up to where they need to be (which are just too heavy or long to be done by one person), lifting stuff up, holding stuff in place while he tightens it and so on. In this household everything that requires any tool is done by either my dad or @brunamoura Even someone who is excellent with tools and such can have life made a lot easier with a simple extra pair of hands.
  10. There is barely even a cloud visible and those which I can see are super tiny and very white, there's not a drop of rain coming no matter how hard I dance Unless the weather gods send it just to make me stop my awful dancing, it can't be good with 0 practice
  11. Oh right, since I've got Spotify nowadays, I should work on making playlists as well instead of only the one I made for this edition I know not all songs are on Spotify, but a lot are of course.
  12. On the bright side, the only sports I really want to see live today is the F1 qualifying between roughly 15:00 and 16:00, so TAISC is definitely a high priority today as it should be
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