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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Hello Do you know how the Japanese NOC usually treats qualifying for Winter Olympics? Specifically biathlon has my interest. I mean, do they ask for athletes to reach some specific standards (like Dutch athletes who have to reach top-8 in a World Cup even if they are qualified according to international standards)? I'm trying to estimate the chances for Japan to use all of their tickets for the Olympics in case they get 5 or 2 tickets (they won't get 6, so 5, 2 or 0 through the Nations Cup are the only options)... Fuyuku Tachizaki is basically the only Japanese biathlete who is a regular in the World Cup top-30, so I'm wondering if the Japanese NOC might only send her even if they have 2 or 5 tickets.
  2. And that's a hit for Bjørndalen, Domracheva is pregnant (and he will continue his career until after Pyeongchang)
  3. I doubt the ski jumping one is a good's ski jumping is so much more competitive in general, we really just don't need 5 more women.
  4. [hide] Knockout Round April 1st-April 4th, 2016 6 Nations, Placement Matches, Relegation Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, winning Nation will become Women's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2016 Champion Bronze Medal Match Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 April 4th 2016, h. 15:00, Sandman Centre, Kamloops Finland 3 Russia Gold Medal Match Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 April 4th 2016, h. 19:30, Sandman Centre, Kamloops United States 2 Canada [/hide]
  5. This is so annoying, because as far as I know, IBU never actually publishes this list and it's nearly undoable to keep track of it yourself, manually... Obviously this is important for me, with my best friend being in the hunt for a ticket and all, and I don't see Brazil being in the top-22 in the Nations World Cup within 2 seasons.
  6. It's a real miracle how Livio was able to still finish 16th, being the only one of 33 riders on the wets
  7. If the state/regime/whatever finds it more important to show their glory through sports, it makes it more believable that the state helps in doping, in my opinion.
  8. My point about this is that it's a) easier to believe and b) more logical that countries where "glory to the Motherland" (or some communist stuff) through sports is so incredibly important, are doping with state help. For example here in the Netherlands we don't have this extreme "glory to the Motherland" feeling and I don't think there is state-run doping here. Obviously I think there is doping here, but I think it's more private or arranged by the teams itself instead of coming from the sports federations and authorities. But my main point stays the same: it is a sign of huge weakness when people are saying "Stop it, it's a conspiracy from the big bad wolf against us!" instead of "We're gonna do all we can to clean up this shit". 1. XX athletes from country X get caught 2. People in country X respond by saying "omg, conspiracy against us, we're the victims!!" That doesn't make it any more believable.
  9. Mostly because those are quite well known as oppressing regimes where saying "the Great Leader is maybe not the best thing that happened to our Great Nation ever" gets you in jail as a matter of speak. And yes, I find freedom-hating regimes harder to believe (I mean, look at East-Germany, not exactly a free country back in the time and they had some serious doping going on..."bring joy to the Motherland" at all costs). And I agree with you about the Russians not being the only big bad wolf. I would definitely not be surprised if Dutch speed skaters, British cyclists or American sprinters are just as clean as Russian athletes and Chinese swimmers. My main point is, it's so weak to just say "Stop talking bad about us, it's just a Western conspiracy and the West is the big bad wolf who wants to hurt us, the innocent little pigs" instead of focussing all that energy on actually cleaning up the mess.
  10. That last corner was really not a lot of fun when you had a good amount of money on Dovizioso finishing on the podium
  11. Jesus Iannone, what kind of absolute moron you are
  12. Bye bye Lorenzo, he was way too afraid on this 1% wet track.
  13. MotoGP, here we go Dry race, meaning: 20 laps instead of 25 and a mandatory bike change at the end of the 9th, 10th or 11th lap.
  14. It's mostly because one of the paid sports channels here in the Netherlands has a special racing channel and I discovered this weekend that they're showing even more than I thought I knew they showed F1, NASCAR and IndyCar, but I didn't know about Formula E and V8 Supercars yet. That last one is a bad discovery, because those races are usually 5-6am Dutch time so there goes my weekend sleep for the rest of the year
  15. It's been an insanely busy weekend in terms of motorsports anyway. The list of races I've watched (or will watch today): - World Superbike races 1 + 2 - World Supersport - Moto3 - Moto2 - MotoGP - Formula 1 - Formula E - IndyCar Series - NASCAR - Formula 3 races 1 + 3 - V8 Supercars races 1 + 2 - WTCC races 1 + 2 Hmm, looking back now that I've wrote it down, maybe it's a bit too much and I'm trying to make up for missing the winter sports
  16. So far I'm actually enjoying this F1 season very much, also today was just a really cool race where a lot of things happened. Alright, Mercedes won again, but still, there were quite a lot of good fights and I feel like this year (and last year as well) is much more fun than 2013-2014. I've only watched the first WTCC race so far (the 2nd one I had to record because it was at the same time as F1, probably I'll watch it after MotoGP and NASCAR). Catsburg and Coronel were fighting hard and I think Catsburg fought a bit too hard Still it's good to see 2 Dutch drivers fighting for positions in the top-8.
  17. Ah that's a shame, Eurosport got the rights here since last year (which in my opinion is a big shame, because the commentator on the Dutch paid sports channel, which I have anyway, was way better).
  18. There's also NASCAR going on by the way, 100 of 500 laps done at the half mile oval of Martinsville.
  19. Come back to Europe, Eurosport has every qualifying + race for Moto3/2/GP and most of the training sessions as well Edit: Sorry, I'm confusing you with Wanderer who is outside Europe
  20. And wow, did anyone see the Moto3? What an heroic, epic, legendary race by Khairul Idham Pawi of Malaysia, who destroys the entire field in his 3rd ever GP and wins by 26 seconds!!
  21. Great race Max And it's so great to see the Manor is finally competitive, especially with a very talented driver as Wehrlein behind the wheel. They're definitely gonna get a point this year (with Wehrlein probably)
  22. Now that would really be something, our women missing out and our men qualifying
  23. Well the rest probably wouldn't be much use to him anyway
  24. Well that was one hell of an epic victory by Sagan
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