I guess, I'll need to thank you for taking the time to explain to me your reasoning.
But boy, you really like to make your life a living hell, thinking about everything that could go wrong. If you let the users chose, I'll garantee you that almost every time everything will go smooth. For the 5% remaining, there will allways be you and/or the mods, and I'm pretty much certain it will take you less time to fix it than the time you've taken to post this message.
I don't accuse you to be a 'dictator' (quite the contrary actually*), I'm disapointed in the way you're running your forum trying to prevent problems before they appeared as:
a) It doesn't prevent problems ultimately
b) It puts you forum under anaesthetic
Every succesful forum works the other way around. They are letting users with a great amount of liberty, but rule with an iron hand in cases of stepping over.
It's exactly the same discussions we had about letting people making their own threads, making this forum their own, etc. You refuse to do so, because apparently you believe that we would start killing each others whereas there are thousands of exemple which proves that it is not necessarily the case.
* I, personnaly, shoud have been warned a couple of times for instance