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Everything posted by Agger

  1. I have a bit of experience with Wordpress. Don't know if it's enough but maybe?
  2. The good old US extreme right making security necessary for those fighting the virus:
  3. That site is a mess. No explanations, countries in one list but not others, Austria is the country with the lowest risk?
  4. That's nothing :
  5. Denmark seeing a slight fall in numbers of people hospitalized due to corona, though the numbers in ICU is up by 5,8 %. Meanwhile yesterday was the first with more than 2000 tests.
  6. Did get a watch some time ago but it had a touch screen that was sensible as hell. A drop of sweat or the slightest touch of my jacket could pause the run (and it vibrates whenever start, pause or stop is pushed). Luckily I got it "for free" (some points I had earned). Strongly considering buying a better one right now.
  7. Meanwhile I think my phone is trying to test my motivation. Sunday the music stopped about halfways through my 13km run. Today I was doing a fitness test where I really want to be able to keep track on the minutes. Halfway through the phone decides to restart.
  8. Good luck! I have pretty much decided that I'll go for the half marathon the day planned no matter if the big event will take place or not (not too optimistic, but the hope isn't dead), but I do afterall have some months to go. If it's cancelled or postponed, I'll try finding an actual race in the autumn. Beginning this week with a weekly 15km all of april before starting to find the last kms (may go for a 16 in the end of the month)
  9. The Danish government has announced that if things stay as it has done the next 2 weeks (both in behaviour and the numbers in the hospitals), we will see the country opening slightly after easter. I don't feel quite sure if it's the right thing to say so. The prognosis has the situation peaking just after easter. But still a long way to see how things change.
  10. You know that Germany and France combined has shipped more masks to Italy than China? And German hospitals taking in Italian patients? And the creation of green corridors? It's not like other European countries aren't under pressure. Sure some countries could do more to help, but "the solidarity is one big facade" is a blatant lie! And what makes Orban a competent leader? And even if he was so, how does that make suspending the parliament okay (without any kind of time limit)
  11. Makes me worry a bit about the big Munich European Championships.
  12. The Eugene Worlds will be moved to 2022
  13. I'm not really shocked either. Just pretty sad to see a president caring more about himself and his reelection campaign than the situation. Thank god for Dr. Fauci (and to some degree Birx)
  14. Just lovely with a president who prioritize the right things...
  15. Saddening (but not surprising) how even a pandemic becomes a political thing
  16. Good point. Love that one as well, but I still manage to find the gongong part hillarious. Let's make it funniest music video
  17. 2 days of Danish Tour de France stage wins. One of those weekends where Danish TV doesn't care about the doping. Right now it's the 13th stage of 1996 (Rolf Sørensen). After that it's 2 times 2007 (Michael Rasmussen) and 2 times 1996 (Bjarne Riis). Missed Magnus Cort's win from 2018.
  18. Getting close to a pace meaning half a million new cases a week.
  19. I spotted my first mask today, @heywoodu!
  20. Mads Conrad-Petersen (Badminton) will retire after the 2020 Thomas Cup. His doubles partner Mathias Boe announced the same a month ago (well, he would retire after the Olympics if they qualified. If not, the Thomas Cup)
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