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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. Amateur dancers wtf , i go to sleep
  2. People are going to this stadium for ceremony
  3. you met 1 cat here hein , let me tell you in some countries i visited , you can even meet Cobra or Aligator in the street at any moment , snakes could even visit you while sleeping in hotel , ...but i don't say this is horrible , no, nature is like that
  4. nothing negative with all that , this is just the truth not hate ,i have to reply sorry
  5. But if you come to Algeria and you want to see the buildings you see in London, the event's organization you see in Berlin, the public transport you have in Paris, people driving like in Geneva, the city as clean as Stockholm, then you are going to complain. firstly, UK colonised the half of planet , all the genocides they commited around the world were done to steal richness of others , this center of London that you love was build by bloody dictators kings and it continues , in this place 1 coffee = 100 dollar it's not the price of coffee no no you have to pay the decoration inside the restaurant and outside it , YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR SEEING IMAGES they call that regular taxes what about sport!! this is an exemple :like i said before UK participates as 1 country in the Olympic games because mostly the qualification depends of minima not Quota , being 5 countries will help them to collect more medals and reach 1 good position on table , BUT they are represented by 5 teams in the world cup to increase their chance of qualification , THEY FU...ed you 2-the event's organization you see in Berlin i like this country but sorry i have to reply , they are smart indeed because most of them come from centers built by Hi...ler , you know these centers where he puted people having Specifications :they should be WHITE, over 180cm ,smart , healthy..etc men and women , they married them to make 1 strong coming generation , we will dominate the world with , he said , and all the rest are not usefull have been exterminated 3- the public transport you have in Paris i visited france many times , you can't even STOP 1 Taxi in the street , it's prohibited , you have to walk with your luaggage until the station of Taxi which could be at 1 km , they don't care if you are old or pregnant with familly or not ,no one will stop for you , ... when you take 1 prepare atleast 50 euro for few kilometers the distance you walked to reach this station 4- people driving like in Geneva everybody knows that you can open a bank acc for your dog there without any limit , yes the country is beautifull , but most of structures/castles are built with accounts of dictators/mafia/.....etc, the president of Philippines has over 1000 Swiss acc with differents names he has over 1000 passport they accept all that in Switzerland , they also command many dirty things on darkweb , yes they have industry of Medicaments, watches...etc but the largest part on money comes from what i said ...this FIFA found their place in Zurich , where etransaction of money is very easy 5- the city as clean as Stockholm do you know this is the most dangerous behaviour for health :being very clean this area they have the highest rate of system disease in the world because they are very clean , their immunity attack their own body cause it doesn't know what Bacterium/virus mean Sweden doctors stopped the antibiotic presciption to reinforce the immunity of people they say yes cities in europe look clean from outside but the inside is a mixture of enormous pollution , chemical prodect, wher eyou go you see the smoke of Nuclear central .. and yes here things are modest and should be better without Mafia of politicians , money they have could build the half of Africa not only this country , and yes i didn't like the village since the begining , very simple but saying this event is very bad while they did good effort on venues , no , you should be retarded or hater also if i type all negative sides of all previous Olympic games i'll not finish , i know you ignore that because 1 you can't see farest than your nose 2 they are western countries
  6. even modo is helping them , funny even my "haha" doesn't appear , this is cyberattack
  7. I'll reply sindo about comparaison he did with europe even if i know that he will censure it
  8. it's better to call it Tartino stadium
  9. This is stadium of the next edition in Italy :Taranto
  10. and no one of them will build a complexe or village ,only old structures from the soviet periode
  11. even the president of comitee is saying everything is running well
  12. Who said that all Moroccan journalists are prohibited , this is Moroccan channel tv from inside the village
  13. The coach of Croatia speaks french , the hall where they are is at 15 km from the village , 90 minutes they said
  14. Yes it's Africa , things are modest but they have courage to host
  15. someone stole images of the opening
  16. It's not the same , Turkey is islamic country , that's why they cant join
  17. I was looking for news like that, why didn't you post this article early .... they are in bad mood
  18. I hope that your article is real , then your athletes are in bad mood , allowing us to win more medals
  19. 90 minutes lol , this time take you at over 250 kilometers they went to morocco
  20. The mediterranean comitee didn't stop checking everything during the year , they said everything is ok
  21. They have training hall in village , stop lying You think that comitee didnt check all that
  22. Change the link of the official site people are looking for results
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