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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. In france they prepare an enormous protest for the next back to school
  2. They think they can replace God/religions by the technology ...they beleive on what their eyes see , ....what a limited brain This new school program in western countries : teach the sexuality to kids 6yo is just satanic , they are not atheists after all ...satan is included into religions
  3. This is not a book , you dont know what it is
  4. Oooooooh the electricity will increases by 120% in france The first olympic games under candles
  5. France liberate group of terrorists nd ordred them to attack Niger
  6. People in Gulf countries are boycotting Turkish products , du to what their citizens have subited in turkiey ... They insult you in the airport, steale your baggage in hotels , break your car ...etc all that under the protection of Police The usual Touristic Streets in Istanbul become empty
  7. Hapenned yesterday in usa , a group of white hited 1 black man security the next Login first
  8. Groups of racists xenophbic react under the police protection , turkiey is loosing tourists forever
  9. Turkiey becomes such inconfortable for tourists ,few days ago racists attacked 1 yemenit student , now this german You need to login youtube du the violence scene ...cancel your trip to turkiey cancel
  10. The good thing both got medals , but they have to dominate , europe should not be in the podium , this result is suspicious
  11. Its official CEDEAO is going to invade Niger Nigeria you cant event resolve your problem with boko haram nd you encruste yourself away , one thing is sure another pipeline of Gas will explode soon
  12. Update , here we pay the electricity+ Gas together
  13. nice , you are the prince of Dubai
  14. Italy has more expensive electricity in the world
  15. How the invoice of electricity in your countries ? , here i pay around 15€ per 3 months
  16. This article in google l’uranium nigérien représentait encore le premier importateur d'uranium, avec 34,72% de l'uranium naturel fourni à la France, d’après le comité technique Euratom (CTE) à Libération et franceinfo. Juste devant le Kazakhstan (28,95%), l'Ouzbékistan (26,43%) et l'Australie (9,91%).
  17. French Soldiers have been kicked from Niger , they are 1500 as i know URGENT : LES SOLDATS FRANÇAIS SONT OFFICIELLEMENT CHASSÉS DU NIGER
  18. Btw italy is against any military assault in Niger
  19. Kazakhstan the 2nd which is under the hands of Russia
  20. l’uranium nigérien représentait encore le premier importateur d'uranium, avec 34,72% de l'uranium naturel fourni à la France, d’après le comité technique Euratom (CTE) à Libération et franceinfo. Juste devant le Kazakhstan (28,95%), l'Ouzbékistan (26,43%) et l'Australie (9,91%). Translate : Niger is the first supplier of Uranium to France
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