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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. Strange incident in Calabria Italy Calabria? A mafia hub that hires Cuban doctors because the Italians avoid the region. so mafia kidnappes doctors !!?
  2. Norway and their 6000 doses ...a story without end
  3. disons C'été un stade national jusqu'a 2008 ...
  4. and the chronometre of athletics was damaged during 3 first days so times of races were wrong , repaired now they say
  5. What a scam this edition , they post results when turkey wins only , we defeated them in bocca and football , we have atleast 20 medals , nothing of all that f... you organizers , it's better for you to sell kebab in taksim , sport is not for you
  6. mais ils n'ont pas google en corée du nord
  7. indice : ce pays a un total de plus de 50 médailles olympic
  8. They add turkish medals only , they made this website for themselves
  9. someone will say it's the poison effect
  10. Womens handball , Croatian players refused to handshake Egyptians because they defeated them
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