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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. according to our delegation , the organization was very bad , that's why they felt in cycling they got a wrong calendar something like that yesterday 1 Turkish runner of 400m hurted 1 jounalist , he was inside the track
  2. who removed my comment, i just said croatia didn't win any medal
  3. 0 medal for croatia , was the organization bad ? maybe the poison was strong
  4. 2nd silver in 800m with PB , 1.47 , the boy is 18 yo
  5. Azerbaijan attacks Armenia with drones
  6. In triple jump women , Wissal is 17 yo so U18 , qualified to the final
  7. Gold and Bronze for Turkey : Mediterranean podium
  8. I give up , they sent shity athletes again
  9. Wtf rank 5 in weak race like that f......k youuuuuuuuuu
  10. The men's final at 11.00 konya time it's 12.30 and no result posted
  11. The website is not working , we can't even see participating cyclers
  12. The team of cycling , i dont know how is the level here but Chalel has a good chance for medal being the African champion + world top 20 ...otherwise i'll kick your ass ...
  13. amateur group from sahara, Only Egyptians know this tunes , they are not online so no one knows it
  14. medals look like those old Roman coins that you can find into 1 lost jar
  15. and they added the traditional turkish archery , sure only Tur + Azerbeijan will be in and all Gold will go to turkey
  16. you underestimate USA and their addiction for weapons trade , wars = meal $ € £ ¥
  17. Nancy Pelosi is crazy, she lit the tension by visiting Taiwan and sayin we will help your army .... the hilarious thing is : they know that Taiwan has no chance vs China , they are just pushing them to the hell
  18. Paypal is not 1 bank ,just 1 virtual site which steal your money and your personnal data
  19. Hosting the Games boosts local, regional and national GDP. Gold Coast 2018 has demonstrated the biggest uplift of £1.2 billion, followed by Manchester 2002 (£1.1 billion), Melbourne 2006 (£1 billion) and Glasgow 2014 (£0.8 billion). they host for money only money the Games can build,rest of the world%3B promote is the only country in the world which host for sport without any benefit , in the 2nd position
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