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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. and the chronometre of athletics was damaged during 3 first days so times of races were wrong , repaired now they say
  2. What a scam this edition , they post results when turkey wins only , we defeated them in bocca and football , we have atleast 20 medals , nothing of all that f... you organizers , it's better for you to sell kebab in taksim , sport is not for you
  3. mais ils n'ont pas google en corée du nord
  4. indice : ce pays a un total de plus de 50 médailles olympic
  5. They add turkish medals only , they made this website for themselves
  6. someone will say it's the poison effect
  7. Womens handball , Croatian players refused to handshake Egyptians because they defeated them
  8. This small stadium is ugly ,and the quality of image they are filming with samsung phone
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