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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. you are scared to say anti LGBT too?
  2. USA has never stopped their trade of energy with Russia, dollar is defeating euro ....they traped europe
  3. 5 countries accepted to buy the Russia petrol with rubble : India,China,Myanmar,Turkey and Hungary
  4. you can be ANTI "what you want" ...but anti God
  5. There is no perfect country but if you want to mixe everything with sport why dont you criticize USA when they host : for exemple because they torture kids in prisons , or Japan for the genocides they commited in southern Asia ...etc ? hein why?
  6. Yes , for this reason they have to leave this area forever ... she will speed the process
  7. just one thing : miss Giorgia Meloni you said that you accept the christianity only ...but this religion is not yours , it came from the middle eastern you have to create your own religion "made in italy"
  8. The extrem right are winning in europe...excellent news
  9. Biden in lost like usual ...all money of corruption he got from different countries didn't help to stimulate his brain
  10. She accepts christianity only ,while her ancestor "Romans" have burned Jesus
  11. Giorgia Meloni is good somewhere and bad in the rest ...she is anti LGBT ...anti EU but anti religions
  12. whatever you do ,your organization will be bad cause you are not like me
  13. some politic parties criticize the world cup in Qatar because they dont allow GAYS
  14. lol i'm not for the war ... but Russians will not accept loss , they keep their advanced weapons for the last step
  15. Russia is losing the war...hello the chemical bombs
  16. Gas and Petrol are Russian , not western , they sell it for the price they want its the fault of europe/usa
  17. was born in Japan , was Canadian, olympic/world medalist and now doped ...cheatersssssss
  18. life is expensive more and more everywhere the consequence of the war in ukraine .. eurooe/usa are feeding this war with heavy weapons so things will not stop those shity egoists politicians live in castles for free ,they totally don't care of people
  19. Conflict Poland/ Czech Poland hopes Czech government will return 368 hectares of land
  20. People under drogs in USA ...incredible this position "curved back" they look like zombies
  21. They remove our comments , that means we said the truth
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