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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Denmark showed their cards today. Cathrine Dufour & Bohemian - 83.043% Carina Cassoe Kruth & Danciera - 76.413% Anders Dahl & Fidelio - 73.978% - and this is about as high as they will go... Daniel Bachmann Andersen & Zepter - 73.913% - just too many mistakes
  2. And where do they plan to get required quotas? From wishing well? I guess beach handball tournament with 4 teams is always an option when IOC is concerned...
  3. All hell broke lose in the Netherlands today. Any new precautions from @heywoodu?
  4. And just when I dared to doubt Norway, Helena Liholt Gulli comes out of nowhere and posts 67.457% to easily take the first MER score. Well, looks as though there won't be any reallocations in dressage after all.
  5. Good luck with that. I don't believe Neum's coastline ever saw a wave higher than half a meter. But now we are seriously getting
  6. Chance for Tajikistan to qualify their first athlete. But he will face Jordan in the quarterfinals so I wouldn't bet on it.
  7. Btw, who is going to carry Eritrea's flag? Two volunteers?
  8. Yeah, IOC talks big about gender equality, and then in between such statements they approve IAAF's qualification system. Qualification system that only allows one universality place per nation. Not one per gender, like it was a practice for years, but one in total. That's literally setting up a number of nations to have only a single athlete in Tokyo.
  9. Bhutan will get burned for this. They haven't had a man since 2008, and looks like they will not have one once again (unless they break their boycott over athletics/swimming events).
  10. @konig @KingOfTheRhinos @titicow @vinipereira @Federer91 @intoronto @Vic Liu @Agger @Wumo @Benolympique @Bohemia @catgamer @Janakis @Vektor @Ashton @Dolby @Fly_like_a_don @Griff88 @MHSN @OlympicIRL @Dnl @Dunadan @Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon @Pablita @SteveParker @Ruslan @Werloc @Glen @mrv86 @Ionoutz24 @heywoodu @Wanderer @Skijumpingmaster @rybak @kungshamra71 @IoNuTzZ @DaniSRB @hckosice @justony @Cobi @Belle @amen09 @tuniscof @Illya @dezbee2008 @Olympian1010 @NaBUru38 Voting is now open! You have until Sunday, March 15th, at 23:55 CET (GMT+1), to cast your votes in private to @dcro. You can vote using the following template: 1st preference (12 points) = 2nd preference (11 points) = 3rd preference (10 points) = 4th preference (9 points) = 5th preference (8 points) = 6th preference (7 points) = 7th preference (6 points) = 8th preference (5 points) = 9th preference (4 points) = 10th preference (3 points) = 11th preference (2 points) = 12th preference (1 point) = alternate 1 = alternate 2 = alternate 3 =
  11. Host votes are in! Now give me a moment while I cry for my first and second reserves, who were 8th and 5th overnight, respectivelly...
  12. Tulsi didn't even win American Samoa?
  13. Funny thing happened here. After the first listen not a single song stood out as the clear favorite, and I can't remenber if that ever happened before. Three listens later, and I believe I may have found my favorite TISC entry ever.
  14. Down to 15 songs that make it to the Super Final. Top entry qualifies for the Super Final with 37,53 points, while the final qualifier in 15th place has earned 25,35 points... Now everyone is guaranteed either points or a place on the reserve list.
  15. Thanks to this Hong Kong also apparently qualified in the women's madison.
  16. Well, until last week you only would have got 4 points for a DNF, but now all of a sudden you can get 780 apparently. It's quite bizzarre. They also changed DNF points from 2019 championships...
  17. Big surge in Switzerland today with 28 new cases, more than Japan and France. First case in Liechtenstein. Malta is staying strong.
  18. Well, this is quite bizzarre... 2019 Asian Championships had a Hong Kong judge who withdrew from judging in freestyle because she suddenly didn't feel well. Today she passed away...
  19. Found it. Washingont Post left out Tulsi.
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