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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. 0,15% of San Marino's population is infected... For reference, 0,15% of Chinese population would be over 2 million people...
  2. Twitter suspended Athletes of Tokyo 2020 account.
  3. There you have it. Jordan magically qualifies 4 boxers (so far). Between 1988-2016 they had 5 boxers combined. And who did their boxers face? American Samoa, Samoa, Samoa, Tajikistan... But I'm sure it's all just a big coincidence.
  4. TAISC 2020 to go forward as planned amid Coronavirus outbreak Early part of 2020 has been marked by the Coronavirus (CoViD-19) outbreak. General concern, and to an extent mass hysteria, have caused plenty of sports and cultural events to be either postponed, moved or altogether cancelled. Even the famous Eurovision Song Contest, scheduled to be held in the Netherlands, appears to be under threat. All this drama has in turn created questionmarks over the feasibility of TAISC 2020 - first TISC to be set in Croatia. "We are constantly monitoring the situation, but so far there is no reason for much concern.", said the head of the organizing committee Coronavirus outbreak has spread to over 100 countries so far, including Croatia, which currently counts 12 official cases, 5 of whom are placed in the host city of Rijeka. Out of 38 countries entered to compete, 36 have reported Coronavirus cases within their borders. The only exceptions as of today remain to be Kazakhstan and Uruguay. "As we are nearing the end of Winter, there is a hope that Coronavirus will be stopped in its tracks by warmer temperatures." "Come hell or high water, TISC will go forward as planned.", concluded the organizers
  5. But anyway, my spreadsheets very much look like early caucases of the Primaries. I'm eagerly awaiting for my Super Tuesday (or Super Sunday in our case ).
  6. If it's any help, over the years I've come to realize that 1-2 points rarely matter. Songs just have to be incredibly unlucky to miss out on a higher position by such small margin. Not to mention how winners (and all high finishers in general) very rarely get any low scores. Zombie won with 333 points, but didn't get any 4-, 2- and 1-point scores!
  7. Another daily "win" for Italy. I was sure today was going to be Iran's day, but no. I can't believe Trieste is only like 50 km away. Here everything pretty much remains normal...
  8. Well, that's what I get for taking headlines for granted.
  9. At least they didn't include team sprints, so we shoud count our blessings.
  10. Dutch TV directors apparently love to cut away from the long distance races.
  11. Anything is possible after this many people came to celebreate Douwe de Vries' retirement of all people.
  12. In b4 Netherlands announces 250 new cases on an emergency press-conference.
  13. Cyprus is the last Corona-free EU member.
  14. Even more impressive second day for the Danes. Cathrine Dufour & Bohemian - 82.681% Carina Cassoe Kruith & Danciera - 80.106% Daniel Bachmann Andersen & Zepter - 78.745% Anders Dahl & Fidelio - 75.532% Cathrine, Carina and Daniel appear to be the dream team at the moment... But let's wait and see what Anna Kasprzak and much-hyped Nanna Merrald can do. It will also be crucial to gather whether or not Carina can sustain this form.
  15. Iran is at this point getting 1000+ new cases every day.
  16. You have to admit. It's a very fitting end to this non-Winter season.
  17. First cases in Togo and Bhutan. Another big surge in Iran, Italy, Switzerland...
  18. This is sort of totally random, but here you have FIG listing Totallympics as a source.
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