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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. First cases in Panama and Mongolia.
  2. Fun fact: Black Death came from Asia and then spread to Europe via Italy...
  3. It should be CoViD-20. Actually, it should be just Coronavirus. Who cares for the other types of Coronavirus at this point?
  4. I finally found a job at surveyor's office last week. I should start working in a couple of weeks, but that's all assuming we stay corona-free and the market doesn't completely crash by then... So yeah...
  5. "If people would just stay home, we could end this in two weeks." This should have been done in January. Bang, Corona is dead, Olympics can be held!
  6. There are hardly any strict measures in Croatia, and yet we have only had one new case in the last 3-4 days.
  7. Blanka Vlašić Though, to be fair, it happened 3.5 years ago.
  8. How's the life going in Milan anyway these days?
  9. On a brighter note, Vietnam will compete in boxing for the first time since Seoul 1988...
  10. Sad thing is - looks like IOC asked the commentators to sugarcoat this. Two weeks ago in Africa they were pissed.
  11. Yeah, that's all fine in theory. But nevertheless, Europeans are quite tall on average, so it is counterintuitive that the lowest weights get most places. Random example: Average male height in Denmark - 180 cm Average male height in Malaysia - 163 cm
  12. 13th case in Croatia. From now on all outdoor gatherings with more than 1000 people (that's a bit lenient) are banned, while at borders there will be stricter checkpoints...
  13. I just don't get how Euope is given most quota places of all continents for lower weights. It's not just that lower weight tend to be very non-European, but also a question - How many adult Europeans weigh under 52/57/63 kg?
  14. Was situation this bad in China at any point? I don't remember it being so.
  15. What the hell. People are already talking about Denmark taking team gold. This is a good start, but they have their work cut out if they want to be a shoe-in for any medal.
  16. First two cases on Cyprus. EU is now fully Corona-infected.
  17. It would be so awkward if the torch gets lit and the Games get cancelled.
  18. None of their qualifiers had Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, India or Mongolia on their way. That's a red flag if there ever was one, plus the fact that two (!) of the four had to beat Samoa in the decisive match... And another one took advantage of American Samoa being seeded for whatever reason. Tajikistan was always going to be a much easier oppoenent than someone from an influential nation. Australia and Korea are mediocre at best, same goes for that Thai individual.
  19. All toilet papaer and no food? What the hell.
  20. Prison riots in Italy. 6 dead. What movie is this?
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