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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. She's actually slightly ahead of where she was at the Athletics Championships last year right now (points wise). But much further behind the leader, and even the podium.
  2. Another medal for Canada! What a dream Games in the pool!
  3. Seriously, this is men playing boys. Big disappointment.
  4. Thought the Canadians would be better in their game. Hopefully the loss of the semi didn't throw them off too much.
  5. Oh shut up Hope Solo. So glad you and your team of arrogant fools lost. You didn't deserve the gold in London (or the silver), you got it handed to you because they wanted a WC rematch. The best team did win today. Congratulations to Sweden!
  6. And Abel is doing great in diving qualifications, first in the 4th round.
  7. And no American up there crowding our space...
  8. Yeah, Kyle was shocked. And by such a huge margin. Hey, I'm not complaining. And I'm just going on the eye test, I don't know the technicalities.
  9. Having said that...I'm not an expert by any extent, but the Chinese girl looked better. Oh well, payback for London when Cockburn should have won the bronze.
  10. wOOt! Our women are just kicking ass in Rio!
  11. I don't understand the judging but............. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOLDDDDDDDDDDDD!
  12. Yeah....that was better by the Chinese lady.
  13. Huh. I think Rosie got the judge's benefit of the doubt. NOT COMPLAINING!
  14. Great swim by our ladies (as per usual in Rio). Going to be a fantastic race tonight. And don't forget Caldwell in the 200 back final with the second fastest time!
  15. Damn it, the first time in a long time Canada wasn't on the USA's side of the bracket and they finally get knocked out early. Congrats Sweden! Let's keep the upsets coming!
  16. Ruck has been great in Rio. With van Landagan in the 50m tonight, I wonder if she'll even end up doing the relay if Ruck does well this afternoon. Too back Oleksiak can't do two legs!
  17. Cochrane (barely) makes the 1500m final!
  18. Okay, I did not realize they were supposed to land on their stomach at one point. I almost had a heart attack for Rosie.
  19. Oh absolutely. Her best events are coming up, while (judging by results from the 2015 WC) they are weaker for many ahead of her, except Ennis-Hill who holds a similar lead over Theisen-Eaton as last year. The main take-away is that she didn't look comfortable in the first event, but did better in her 2nd. That's good news.
  20. As we saw in London, even when the Chinese do mess up they still get medals. I'll admit I don't know much about gymnastics, but in my mind, if you fall, you fail. Just seems like the favourites do high degree of difficulty, and even if they fall they still end up on top. I remember Shewfelt in Athens on the vault. The Romanian guy falls on his 2nd, yet still beats Kyle because his difficulty was higher. Who cares? He fell? Why doesn't everyone just do the hardest routine and land on their head then? Oh right, it's gymnastics and certain countries will always win. Same with figure skating (which admittedly, Canada sometimes benefits from (cough cough Chan)). And don't get me started on the farce that is synchronized swimming. Sorry, even Phelps and Bolt lose races sometimes. The same three countries finishing 1-2-3 for over a decade is ridiculous.
  21. Theisen-Eaton had a bit of a slow start in the 100m hurdles, but made up for it in the high jump. She's currently in 5th place with 2151 points. She was in 5th with 2105 at the WC last year, so doing a bit better so far. Unfortunately, so are her competitors. 113 points from 1st, 91 from the podium. She'll need to pick it up.
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