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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Hodgkinson and Hudson - Smith both now going into Paris as favourite for gold in their events. Both look at their very best. Caudrey through looks to be losing form at the worse time sadly. I’m hopefully but not particularly optimistic about her medlalimg.
  2. Myles Pillage has been withdrawn from the Modern Pentathlon on medical grounds and has been replaced by Charlie Brown.
  3. How have Kenya not had a Russia like ban from Atheltics yet.
  4. Or tests positive for Doping baring in mind who her coach is.
  5. To be fair we don’t know if any of our swimmers will get disciplinary action for the inevitable anti Chinese doping protests they will do like they did in 2019 at the worlds.
  6. Sedjati is so clearly doping. Coe must be pulling his hair out at how many likely dopers will be winning medals in Paris
  7. I wonder if they will think about changing the selection rules again so they don’t have to take anyone they don’t want to. Lichfield was a mandatory pick under the rules used.
  8. Why is Kenya allowed to compete when their doping record is now starting to eclipse Russia.
  9. I fear it will be one of the Chinese swimmers who are likely dopped up.
  10. Where have those in the know hinted at unhappiness at who was and wasn’t taken in the Athletics sqaud?
  11. The Atheltics team will be under 50 come LA I suspect if they hit their medal targets because they will go for needing the time/distance/ hight to make the world or Olympic top 8 to secure selection.
  12. Would be very controversial if they did it in terrible weather and left people out on the basis they didn’t hit the time or distance mainly because of the weather.
  13. Can’t quite do it like Swimming and base it on times and distances at trials as would have to take into account the weather which could have a big impact on if someone can get that time or distance that day.
  14. And there has been speculation that World Atheltics might do away with qualifying times entirely.
  15. They also need Sponsors through considering the financial mess they in and any bad publicity affects that. I bet they cursed the day the whole current invite system and publicised rankings came in. It makes it a lot harsher to have to decline someone’s invite - particularly if they have also told that person they won’t let them switch to another nation without a three year wait as apparently they have done.
  16. It’s hard to see Athletes ever trusting the management because the issues go beyond the selection issues - they are other issues that are causing tensions as well. I feel like World Athletics will come under pressure as well - is it fair for them to run an invite system and promote that when so many governing bodies don’t agree with if.
  17. It shows mainly there is a lack of trust and respect towards the those who make the decisions. We didn’t see this reaction from those left out from the swimming team.
  18. I suspect it is only going to get stricter as well. I can see for 2025 the time or distance needed to make the top 8 in either Budapest or Paris being mandatory for being selected.
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