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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. You realize that ... a) Swimming finals will be in the morning b) It is possible to watch multiple events at the same time/delayed c) Some european nations like Norway or Sweden are almost non-existant in swimming/athletics so they can focus on football?
  2. How exactly is this the fairest solution? Why should continents with far less countries and overall far less strength be guaranteed the same number of quotas as Europe? I think the fairest solution would clearly be to have a world-cup in the round-robin format where the top 12 teams qualify, but of course that will never happen. FIFA could create something like a continental coefficient where the results of the last 3 world cups for example count and which determines the number of quota places each continent gets.
  3. Ok, then Asia should get 2 spots so that always 2 out of Japan/China/Australia can qualify.
  4. Funny to hear something like that from an american ... considering that for the last couple of games the schedule was designed 100 % in favor of american spectators and athletes. I also don't understand how euro-centric is supposed to be bad in this context. The event should be euro-centric because Europe just is miles ahead of every other continent.
  5. Just finished Chernobyl yesterday and it is an amazing show in my opinion, although it makes no sense to compare it to Breaking Bad, The Wire or The Sopranos. In case you didn't know it: There is also a free podcast available on Youtube with a lot of background information ( Also watched the first season or so of Stranger Things, but i am not a big fan.
  6. I dont think you can doubt every referee simply based on nationality, but if you argue like that, then even Steinhaus could be "suspicious": If USA wins, then olympic qualification will be easier for Germany ...
  7. Yeah ... that is why the draw was rigged ... someone thought that USA would be the easiest possible opponent for France in the quarterfinal ...
  8. 7 out of 8 teams in the quarterfinal are from Europe + Denmark isnt even here + Spain only lost against USA thanks to a late penalty, but somehow someone still thought that Europe only deserves 3 spots at the olympics ... complete insanity! Europe should have at least 6 spots: - Host (Japan) - Oceania (Australia) - 3 Americas (USA, Brazil, Canada) - Asia (China) - 6 Europe (France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, England, Italy/Norway/Denmark/Spain)
  9. The best european team might not qualify, very unfair. I think Norway vs. England, Sweden vs. Germany and Netherlands vs. Italy will/would all be very open matches. It is mpossible to say who will qualify.
  10. I feel the same. I can't really blame the IOC (since there were only 2 candidates), but i think it is weird that a country like Italy will host the winter olympics 2 times in such a short time. I would have preferred to see winter olympics in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria or Sweden. Winter olympics in Chile, New Zealand or Poland also would have been interesting, but i guess those nations would never consider hosting winter olympics.
  11. 1) Austria was ok, of course Germany could have easily won if they would have played at their normal level or if the referee would have been remotely objective. 2) So you would favor Spain to qualify, doesnt mean that they deserve it more ... this word really doesnt apply here. You get what you deserve in sport if the referee is objective. If the referee is objective and you dont qualify, then it is your own fault and you simply didnt deserve anything else.
  12. 2) Thats what i mean, its too early to tell if she is a serious talent in the 100 breast. She is worldclass in the 50 breast already, but we dont know right now how much talent she has for the 100 breast. We also have to remember that Meilutyte became olympic champion when she was less than a year older than Pilato is now.
  13. Why do they deserve it more than France for example? I think Spain was for example in London, but when was the last time that France qualified?
  14. If Germany cant get at least a draw against a team like Austria, then they dont deserve to ever again be allowed back to Germany.
  15. 1) How can she be 13 when her birthday is January 18th 2005? 2) There are tons of athletes who are specialists in the 50 and completely hopeless in the 100, for example Conceicao, Medeiros, Johannson, Proud, Fratus, Govorov or Santos. It is in no way certain that she will ever become competitive in the 100 breast.
  16. Germany is the best european team in mens sabre, so qualification shouldnt be too difficult. Globally only South Korea is better. Ebert should also have no problem qualifying as current world number 7, but her goal has to be at least a medal in Tokyo and at the moment she is still a bit away from being a serious medal contender.
  17. Germany could lose 0:1 against Austria and still win the group ...
  18. Yeah, so Germany vs. Romania if Romania draws against France, otherwise Germany vs. France and Spain vs. Romania.
  19. I pray that Italy won't host any senior tournaments any time soon.
  20. Good performance, although she is already 14 years old and it's not an olympic event.
  21. Expected gold for Germany despite Hartung being not really in shape. Would be very important for this team to qualify, otherwise Germany might be again without a single qualified team in Tokyo. I hope that Ebert and the men's sabre team will qualify for Tokyo, but for that especially Ebert will have to perform much better at the world championships.
  22. If Spain wins at least 4:0 and Romania and France draw, then the semifinals will be Spain vs. France and Germany vs. Romania?
  23. Interesting performance by Germany in women's foil. In the semifinal Golubytskyi was completely hopeless and in the final it was Hampel who was completely hopeless. If Golubytskyi can get close to her best shape again, then Ebert/Sauer/Golubytskyi could be a very dangerous team.
  24. To be fair Germany was missing their best/2nd best athlete (Kleibrink) in the final. Of course this doesnt chance the fact the individually France is clearly stronger than Germany.
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